thirty-nine: cure?

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"Ms l/n, Mr Stark is asking for you in his lab" Jarvis says stopping me from reading a file on the chip I created. 

"Thanks J, tell him I will be right up" I say putting down the file, and heading up toward his lab.

"Tony?" I ask stepping into the lab the man himself, runs up to me and jabs me with a needle in the back of the head

"ow what the" He looks my head waiting to see something happen. It has been a day since I told him and apparently I look paler and my reaction time is slowing down.

"Jarvis do a scan please" Tony says finally looking down at my angry eyes.

"Hi!" he says letting go of my head.

"Hi?, please tell me you have not lost your mind and injected me with one of your cure attempts?" I ask he smirks

"well we don't know if it is an attempt until it doesn't work" he says smiling. I rub the back of my head and walk over to him, waiting to get a result from Jarvis

"well did you have to stab me when I just walked in?"

"would you have let me if you knew?"


"exactly besides this could be life saving"

"Sir the test was 87 successful, the chemical has reduced however it has not gotten rid of it completely" Jarvis announces. Tony groans in defeat. While I cheer

"why so glum? you just practically found the cure you just need to add something to completely get rid of it" I say Tony looks up 

"I guess but your still dying" he said, I smile sadly

"that I am but who knows you may have increased our deadline" I laugh, Tony just looks at me unamused

"deadline get it, cause I will be dead" I try he just shakes his head

"don't say that I WILL save you" he says I smirk

"well today Nat gets the whole team onboard so we have options, either we work out the last ingredient quickly or get the team to help and break it do them ourselves" I say 

"I think the first would be quicker, but the team would hate knowing your dying and not hear it come from you" He says I nod

"well lets get this over with" I say he chuckles standing by my side as I walk to the lounge.

"Jarvis tell all avengers to gather in the lounge" Tony says. Almost a 5 minutes later all of the avengers including Nat are seated in front of me.

"what is this about Tony" Wanda asks, he looks at me

"Its about me, um so here is a life update" I tell them everything from powers, to acid, to mimic.

the team are shocked, sad, frustrated, confused but Tony, Nat and f/n are smiling at me reassuringly. I then see Pepper walk in hand in hand with Joel laughing. And while the team process the information. I watch the pair, noticing how happy they both look. Steve clear his throat gaining my attention back on the team

"right, uh so what do you say will you help me?" I ask 

"y/n of course we will help, just PLEASE tell us next time" Pietro says rushing to me and hugging me. I laugh

"ok thank God" I say. Wanda comes up and joins the hug making me laugh more.

"Guys you can let go its not like I am going to drop dead" I say jokingly. I get glares from Tony and f/n

"ok sorry I will stop with the dead jokes can we just please get to work" I say 

"yes we will get to work but you look exhausted take a break. I know you have been working hard on this" f/n says. I nod

"ok sounds good f/n show them around the lab" I say before walking away to the kitchen

"You know the whole point of resting is to not do anything" Tony says leaning against the wall

"well I don't know about you but I don't see any chefs or robots that can cook"

"well I can cook for you, I may not be a chef or robot but a simple sandwich never hurt anyone" Tony says walking over. I raise my eyebrows

"you cooking? I may as well just do it myself, no offense"

"actually offense taken. Come on I am not that bad" He defends. I give him a look

"shouldn't you be helping the team?" I ask he shrugs

"they have Bruce and I think Coulson's team so they will be fine without me" 

"right well I guess your on baby sitting duty then I guess" I laugh, he chuckles 

"I know such a burden anyway lets go out for food since you don't trust my cooking and I can't let you cook anyway" he says

"ok sounds fun" I say I see Joel and Pepper still hanging out, rather this time at the bar. I look away, Tony catching my gaze sighs

"Jesus he moved on fast" he says. I hum in response ditching my unmade sandwich

"come on lets go eat" I say pulling him with me toward the entrance. Tony nods


"Thanks Tony for buying me food" 

"Don't mention it I just hope it wasn't your last supper" he laughs

"If I can't make joke about me dying then neither can you" I say laughing

"ok fine fine" he puts his hand up surrendering.

"I still can't believe Joel and Pepper though, its kind of funny when you think about" Tony jokes

"true, my ex and your sister" I say he smiles

"sorry to bring him up I just" Tony rambles

"its fine Tony, I suppose we were never going to work out anyway" I say looking out the window. Tony hums in response thinking

"ok curious, if this cure didn't work and you were about to die, what would be the one thing you would want to do?" Tony asks I look at him

kiss you, tell you how I feel

"probably tell f/n that I did in fact eat her chocolate, so then she couldn't be mad at me" I say laughing he leans forward smirking

"hm, interesting I thought you would do something else" he said.

"like what" I ask he shakes his head

"I guess not come, lets go for a walk" He says standing up and helping me stand and leave the cafe.

"ok if you were going to die what would your final act be" I ask the billionaire. He shrugs

"depends are you by my side or trying to find a way to prevent me from dying" he asked.

"where do you want me?" I ask him he chuckles

"well I hoped you find a way to save me, but I'd like you to be by myside" He says turning to face me

"ok so what would Tony Stark's final act be" I ask dramatically

"I would tell you how much I love you, probably kiss you then die peacefully only to be revived and live to tell the tale" he says I stand there processing his words. He laughs at my reaction. 

Rather than saying anything I pull him in for a kiss, he smirks against my lips before kissing me back. he pulls away

"so I am guessing this means you like me?" he ask I smirk

"yes genius I do" and with that he pulls me back in for a more passionate kiss. I feel energy rising through my body but its not the magically kind, its the passion and love I have for this man

Rain (formally called wrong number x avengers)Where stories live. Discover now