six: classified

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a/n the flash back is still continuing 

20 minutes later the banging stopped, I felt relived until the door just opened?

"Dad?" I ask as the only way the door could open is by my dad

I got a dark chuckle in reply sending shivers down my spine, I grip the lamp ever so tightly my knuckles starting to whiten.

"Hello.. you must be Director Fury's daughter" my eyes widen this was not my dad, well duh but I am frozen I cant move I am too scared the man steps forward. I can see him more clearly a tall, fit man walks in with a assault riffle in hand a mocking smirk on his face. Making my skin crawl.

If he was not about to kill me I would be finding this very attractive NOT THE POINT though 

"I take the silence as a yes then?" I shake my head looking around the room, where I notice in his hand a finger? Then it hits me the only way in way Dads finger print, I stare at the finger. The man catches my gaze and chuckles

"your old man wouldn't open the door willingly so I had to use other methods"

I hear yelling and screaming down the hallway I glance at the direction before looking back into the eyes of the man.

"Listen we can do this the easy way or the hard way, but I would hate to put a bruise on that beautiful face of yours" he shortens the gap between us a bit more, then brushes his finger along my cheek making me internally scream. I then hear a yell a scream that brings me back to reality

"Y/L RUN GET OUT OF HERE" I heart my dad yell his voice straining before I hear a gunshot. Stunned I slap the hand away from my face using the mans surprise and shock as a distraction to sprint out of the office and down the hallway away from the yelling and shooting. I hear loud footsteps following me as I snake my way around the labyrinth that is the Shield helicarrier I keep running until I run into something more like someone. I look up and see Coulson staring ahead of me at the man behind me

"y/n get behind me" Coulson orders me sternly I run behind him and I then notice the shield agents standing next to me some I knew from being here before with dad

dad I then start thinking of his voice and the gunshot afterwards. I am brought back to reality when Coulson starts ordering the people around me

"Agent May, Daisy get Agent l/n to safety and stay with her until it is safe" (for all of those who have seen agents of shield) 

"Yes sir" I then start following daisy with May trailing behind as security 

"Daisy what is going on" I ask while running down the hallway looking for a safe place

"I don't know y/n, all I know is hydra is here and they are after you" this makes me stop in my tracks

"me?" I ask voice trembling why me, I am far from special not abilities, power nada only thing cool about me is my dad and my ability to hack and program. I guess I am pretty skilled at binge watching Netflix

"as I said it does not make sense, but right now we need to get you to safe-" Daisy goes to say before a explosion goes off in front of me forcing the three of us to get slammed against the wall and everything goes black

"Y/N.... Y/N please wake up GOD please be ok" I hear a voice it sounds so far away, I begin to open my eyes instantly closing to adjust to the bright light. My head instantly starts throbbing as I start to become more aware of my surroundings

I look up an see a worried Daisy crouched beside me I am still slumped against the wall next to Daisy and May.

"what happened is everyone ok?"  I ask, my voice barely above a whisper although Daisy heard and sighed relieved.

Rain (formally called wrong number x avengers)Where stories live. Discover now