twenty-eight: stay

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I am so excited to finally be reunited with my twin sister. I have been searching for her ever since I had found out Hydra had her, I always thought I was a danger to her but it seems I have came at the right time. As we are driving home, y/n kept looking out the window or staring of into space. Her e/c red from crying and I look at her face as a whole which is pale and stained from tears. I wonder what has happened that has caused her so much pain.

I look over at Nick who is just watching y/n with the saddest look I have ever seen on his face. Which really makes me concerned I go to say something but the cars pulls over at the front of the tower I presume where y/n lives. 

"Sam we are here just warning everyone might be a bit down right now, we have found out some depressing news... so everyone is not themselves" Fury says y/n sends me a reassuring smile and gets out of the car, the girl who I learned as y/n best friend f/n also got out of the car and then helped me with my bags.

I walk into the tower and we are greeted by the avengers, that is when I remember y/n lives with the avengers. Oh my GOD, ok Sam breath don't freak out. I look up at them and see most of them forcing a smile as they quickly stand from the couch and approach us. However I see THE Tony Stark with a drink in his hand look at y/n with tears in his eyes.

I am so confused what would make THE Tony stark and THE avengers along with my sister so sad. I then realize I have not introduced myself and no one is saying anything. I stand up tall 

"Hello, my name is Sam l/n I am uh y/n's twin" I say pointing to y/n who gives me a smile.

"Nice to meet you Sam, I am Steve Rogers and we are the avengers" Steve says I nod

"Uh no there can only be one Sam and that is me" Falcon says making everyone laugh

"Well look out Sam there is a new Sam in town" I say laughing making everyone chuckle and smile genuinely. Y/n laughs and for a second I see the happy 5 year old I remember so clearly.

"Right well to make it easier what is your nick name Sam" Wanda says to me I smile and look at y/n

"uh call me by my middle name Ben" I say getting a nod from the team and y/n grabs my hand making me look at her

"come on let me show you around she says pulling me away from everyone I send one last wave goodbye before following y/n throughout the tower as she gives me the tour. After trying to figure out what is wrong I finally gather the courage to ask.

"hey y/n why is everyone upset? if you don't mind me asking" I say getting a small smile from y/n

"um I found out that I have um 1 month before I go brain dead basically" she says looking down. I feel my heart clench I just got my twin back and I am already loosing her again.

"well is there anyway we can fix it?" I ask she chuckles and shakes her head

"no, the only way is for Hydra to give me the anti-dote for this acid that is killing me" she says jabbing a finger into her head. I grab her shoulders forcing her to look at me

"I just reunited with you, I am not loosing you again you hear me. I will do everything I can to help you" I say making her pull me in for a hug

"thank you Sammy" I smile remembering when she used to call me that when we were kids

"you know that is what you used to call me" I say making her break from the hug and laugh

"come on Sammy I will show the final place, the bar" she says making me laugh

"my favorite place" I say making her smile brightly

"mine too, OMG your going to love it and I am friends with the bartender so free drinks" she says the last part in a whisper making us both laugh

Rain (formally called wrong number x avengers)Where stories live. Discover now