ten: confrontation

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f/n POV:

I am currently talking to Fury with y/n where we, *cough* fury *cough* decided that y/n should rest until her leg is fully healed as she is causing more suspicion and if she wants this to work she needs to be more careful. I could tell y/n was annoyed from her dad giving her a lecture on staying safe and calling him if need. Truth be told I am jealous of their relationship. However I do notice y/n's injured leg has bled through her suit pants. Fury sees this too 

"Y/n your leg is getting worse, I will go get you a spare suit stay here with Fury and clean up your leg" I tell my bestfriend who nods and lifts up her pants revealing the stitches open and bleeding heavily. Fury gulps before giving me a nod.

I exit the room and head to the lockers where I also see the avengers heading toward Fury's office, if they go there they will see the bullet wound. Shit, dammit.

"Ah" I yell as I purposefully bump into a table of papers and files sending them everywhere causing the avengers to turn and Steve, Wanda and a few others come to me and help me up

"Are you alright ma'am" Steve asks me

"Yes thank you, I didn't see it there sorry for disturbing you, while your here do you mind if I get a group photo with all of you I look over to Tony who is standing behind the group closer to Fury's office. 

"Of course Tony come over here for a photo" Wanda insists

Tony sighs before joining us for a group photo.

I look behind and see Fury carrying y/n into the room next to his office and give me a nod

 I thank them before running off with the fresh suit, and head to the room where y/n has been moved to

The avengers just look at me curiously before I tell them

"Don't mind me just helping a friend please carry on with what you were doing. But I must warn Director does not want any company" I nod to Fury's office where they were heading. Before shutting the door and approaching a pale y/n.

Fury's POV

after re-stitching my daughters leg, I move her to the room next to mine as I hear the avengers outside my door. I see f/n distracting them and give her the nod to tell her where y/n is. I head back to my office and clean up the blood from her leg.


"Who is it" I ask assuming it will be Stark

"Stark" Of course I am right.

"come in" I reply preparing myself for a conversation with Stark

"Question why would Fury hire someone to investigate themselves?" Tony inquires clearly expecting me to not answer

"I don't know what you are talking about"

"Fury is Agent Moraz rain?" He finally asks me the question. I think before answering as yes and no he is kind of right. Agent Moraz doesn't exist Agent l/n is rain but I can't tell him that because I did not go to the hassle of removing all records of her to just tell Stark about his little crush.

"No Agent Moraz is not rain" I say

"You see I don't believe you Nick" this makes me stand and open the door

"Stark please show yourself out I gave you my answer whether you believe me or not"

"Fine how about I go talk to her about this myself" Tony says as he leaves my office, I follow him as I need to check up on y/n anyway.

"Jarvis where is agent Moraz" Tony instructs his AI

"Agent Moraz is in the room to your left Sir" The AI replies

"Thanks pal" Tony say before knocking on the door, f/n opens the door shocked to see Tony and myself infront of her.

y/n POV:

After changing my suit I see f/n standing at the door talking to someone, I join her at the door and see Tony and my dad. Tony looks at me before looking down at my leg.

"hello rain nice to meet you"

"excuse me?" I say earning a shocked expression from Stark who has since became surrounded by the other avengers behind him. 

"Moraz don't lie I know you shot and you tried to stitch yourself up and obviously the wound has reopened and causing the blood to stain your suit, requiring your friend here to get you a new one"

everyone goes quite waiting for my response

I just smirk and lean against the door frame and clap slowly

"well done genius you worked it out, do you want a medal?" I ask mockingly earning a smirk from dad and a laugh from Thor

"I LIKE THIS ONE" he says yelling in Nat's ear making her grunt and send him a glare

"so we were right?" Bruce asks

"Yes Bruce and thank you for your help" I smile sincerely

He returns the smile "no worries how is your leg"

I look at my dad who is awaiting my answer as he did a rush job of cleaning the wound and bandaging and stitching it up

"It been better would you mind having a look and patching it up properly?" I ask earning a scoff from Fury

"certainly follow me" I push past a stunned tony and avengers before I stumble being caught by Steve who helps me up and helps me walk to Bruce's lab.

"thank you cap" I smile he chuckles before leaving 

Tony's POV

I am shocked. I haven't moved, I just discovered the truth and yet I am still confused why was she not mad, for telling everyone the truth. 

"Tony you ok?" Rhodey shakes me

"Yeah I am fine uh, where did she go?" I ask I scratch my head and turn around to the avengers who are suppressing a laugh.

"uh she went with Bruce to his lab" Steve tells me

I nod before walking to the lab

"Moraz if you don't mind me asking why keep it a secret" I walk in to Bruce and Moraz talking her leg is all bandaged up.

"yeah I mean don't get me wrong it was quite frustrating not knowing who you were" I say surprising the two. 

"howdy stranger" she chuckles making me smile

"Now will you tell me who you are?" I ask getting a nod from Bruce in agreement

"I guess so, I am Agent Moraz nice to meet you" She smirks offering her hand to shake I just swat her hand away and poke at her bandaged leg, causing her to wince in pain and glare at me.

"Tony" Bruce warns

"hmm" I hum looking away from her face to Bruce who looks disappointed

"you really have a thing for seeing me in pain eh?" she chuckles pulling her suit paint leg back down.

"you have a thing for being annoying eh?" I say earning another chuckle.

"aw my little genius wants to know more about me?" Moraz pouts and points to herself before hoping off the bed and hobbling out the room only to run into Fury

Bruce laughs at me while I watch Fury and Moraz talk, she seems annoyed and he catches me staring.

"Can I help you Stark" he questions

"yeah what is the relation between you too" I ask

"she is my daughter"

y/n POV:

the look on Stark and Bruce's face was priceless I guess keeping me a secret just went out the window

cheers dad 

Rain (formally called wrong number x avengers)Where stories live. Discover now