I put my phone away and took a sip from my wine.

"Excuse me?" A masculine voice was speaking to me.

I turned around and found a young man sitting on the stool next to me, he was wearing burgundy and had blonde hair.

"Yes?" I smiled, kind of pleased with the way he was looking.

"I heard you mention K3, so I take you know them? Are you Belgian?" I was taken aback by his question.

He noticed that too.

"I didn't mean to eavesdrop! I'm sorry, it is just that I saw right next to you." He smiled sheepishly.

"Oh no, I wasn't surprised by that. I do that sometimes too." He laughed and traced the rim of his glass with his index finger.

"You are Belgian too?" I asked him then.

"Yes, I am." He smiled.

"I am too, so you have heard. I am Ella by the way." I smiled at him.

"My name is Wesley." He smiled back.

"Nice to meet you!"

"Nice to meet you too!"

"So, do you live here?" I asked him.

"Yes, I do. I moved here a year ago and I am studying at London University." He said.

"Really? I live here since a month or so, I am going to go to the university in September." I said.

We talked a bit longer and he explained me which part from Belgium he was from, he didn't live far from me, surprisingly.

"So are you here alone? I mean, do you live alone?" I asked him.

"I came here alone, but I met Kayleigh in uni. We moved in together." Okay, maybe he wasn't boyfriend material, but maybe friend material?

"What about you?"

"I'm single and ready to mingle."

He laughed.

"It won't take long until you'll find it, love that is. British boys love foreigner girls." I thanked Wesley for being so sweet.

"I have to go, though. Kayleigh is probably waiting for me. Here is my number, maybe it is nice sometimes to talk to someone who is from the same country. I don't know." I took the note and promised him I would text him so he would have my number so I did when he had left.

To: Wes
Hi! Ella here :)

Not long after I had sent it, he replied with a "Wesley here" and I laughed.

I went home short after, and found Mila sitting in the couch, watching old episodes of the Vampire Diaries.

"Why did you stay inside? The weather is beautiful!"

"I like it inside." Mila replied, her eyes not leaving the television screen.

"What's wrong?" I sat down next to er and placed my hand on her knee for comfort.

Immediately, she started crying.

I started to worry. Why was she so sad? She was hiccuping and sobbing and she really broke down, right then and there.

"Please, Mila, tell me why happened that makes you feel like this?"

She took a deep breath.

"He *hiccup* kissed me." Mila said.

I was dumbfounded.


"Ashton." She sobbed.

"I thought you were in love with him?" I asked.

"I am! And I was so happy! But them he left during the kiss!" She broke down again.

I shook my head.

"Oh, poor girl." She put her head in the crook of my neck and I felt her tears drenching my shirt.

"I don't know what we are. He didn't even call me!" She kept crying.

After an hour her tears were up and she fell asleep.

"What is going on?" Naomi asked when she came home from work.

"Ashton." And I explained her everything.


SO, this isn't going to be as long as the previous note, but I thought, because this is a hard time, you deserved a second chapter ( and I had the time so why not).
QOTC: who of the head character boys (Luke-Harry-Louis-Niall-Sam-Ashton) do you find the hottest/best? :)

Loads of love! Xx


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