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Hope y'all are ready!😤💋


Dear Diary

I haven't written anything in this diary in so long. It has been decades. I don't even know why I'm writing this entry. I'm too old for this. My grandchildren don't write diary entries anymore and my great-grandchildren are too young to write one.

I truly think my time on the earth has come to end. The doctor said I'm as healthy as an ox but I know my body. It has been slipping away ever since my wish came true. I saw my great-grandson, Christopher, and he looked just like the love of life. All I ever wanted was to see My Love again and I did, through Christopher. I know it's not the same but it's enough for me. I can finally die in peace.

My life has been absolutely miserable. The only thing that made my life bearable was my family. My big family. I would like to think that My Love is proud of me for how I have raised our family.

I just wish he was around to see it all. Instead another man had to raise My Love's kids as his own. It wasn't easy for me to have to move on so fast but for the safety and stability of my kids, I had to. My kids were all I had left after My Love left.

But that doesn't matter. Not anymore...

I have done all I could to give my kids a good life. I have fought the good fight and almost lost everything to win freedom for my kids.

I have loved and I have lost. I have felt the greatest amount of happiness one could ever feel and I have experienced the greatest heartache unimaginable.

I don't regret anything that happened in my life. It all happened for a reason. I hope that after my departure, I could leave my family with a piece of myself to carry with them forever. I hope my departure doesn't bring sorrow to their hearts. I hope my departure brings them peace in knowing that I lived a long and happy life because of them. And only them.

I hope they know I love them more than the word itself. They are after all the only reason I held on to my dear life even when death was lurking in my mind.

Love is the best thing that has happened to me and I wrote about it. And as it is my last days I'd like to gift it to you, my family.

I know someone is going to stumble across my diary someday. Don't feel guilty for reading my personal thoughts. They are my message to you.


Nkosazana 'Dandelion' Zulu


Don't panic!

The story will begin in the next chapter. Everything concerning the prologue will begin to make sense as the chapters roll...

My Love? Hmm...

Ready. Set. Shine.

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