Brett's condition appears fine. It's the girl he clutches to his chest who's truly in danger. Her body is soaked with sweat and black goo, and it trembles with every passing second. 

"No," Liam mutters. "That's his sister." 

His voice is laced with sympathy as he recognizes the girl in Brett's arms. He and I immediately go over to Brett, kneeling in front of him and his sister. His hands are shaking and his eyes are glazed over. He's beyond troubled, which is why he doesn't notice us coming until we're directly in front of him. 

He jumps slightly, looking between Liam and I with confusion. 

"She needs to ingest it," I repeat what Deaton had said. 

Brett's eyes drop to the chunk of reishi in my fingers, and nods with approval. He brushes the damp stands of dirty blonde hair away from his sister's face, trying to get her to be alert enough to swallow. 

I move to press the reishi to her lips in hopes it would help, but an enraged voice stops me.

"Don't touch her!"

A man with long, raggedy hair and an unkempt graying beard stomps over. His fists are clenched at his sides, both smeared with black liquid. He wasn't infected, but that didn't mean he was lucky. He had to watch his pack mates die in, and for that reason, I remain calm as he lashes out. 

"I'm just trying to help her," I argue lightly, defending myself. 

The man doesn't back down. He glowers at me, his eyes filled with hatred. 

"I know a hunter when I see one," he sneers, and I do my best not to flinch at his words.

Those who weren't immobilized by the infection turned to see what the commotion was about. When they hear what I am, frightened gasps fill the air. I can't blame them, especially not when half of their pack has already been wiped out by assassins, but that doesn't ease the stinging in my chest at their reactions.

Deaton comes over, his hands held out to urge restraint. 

"Richard, if you trust me you can trust her."

The man scoffs wryly at him. 

"Only a fool would trust a murderer," he snaps. His eyes return to mine a second later, glowing gold. I stiffen, taking his actions as a threat, but falter when I'm not the only one. 

A low growl comes from over my shoulder, Liam leering at the man. 

"Back off," he demands through clenched teeth.

The man doesn't, and Liam makes a move to stand and face him. I reach for him, but Brett is the one that catches him before I do. He grabs at the sleeve of Liam's jacket with one hand, while the other continues to cradle his sister. He keeps Liam at ground level while he glares at his fellow pack member. 

"I don't care that she's a hunter, she saved my life," he says. 

His attention drifts to the other wolves who watch us, the edge in his voice unyielding. 

"Anyone who has a problem with them, has a problem with me," he declares loudly, tilting his head toward Liam and I. 

His words make the others cower away. Richard isn't as meek, but he doesn't linger to cause any more problems. It's only when he's quite a ways away does Brett let go of Liam, aware of how easy it was for his temper to get the better of him. 

I observe the two wolves as they stare at each other as if they're both surprised by what Brett's done. 

"Thanks," Liam murmurs slowly, still apprehensive. 

Alone • Liam DunbarWhere stories live. Discover now