Chapter Thirteen| The Misfortunes In Graveyards and Grave Lies

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Chapter 13- The Misfortunes in Graveyards and Grave lies

"Oh come on!" Alec whined, throwing the Xbox controller on the floor as I grin triumphantly.

"Yes! How many times have I won? Uh... it's now," I glance at the sheet of paper with several tally mark deciding who was winning our Grand Theft Auto tournament. "It's forty five to twenty two, Alec. Your GTA game is weak," I smirk and he huffs.

"Next winner takes all?" He asks, gesturing to the pile of money we bet sitting between us, including a bunch of 'favor' coupons. Basically, whoever turned in the coupon had to do a favor for the other one no matter what.

"You are on, prepare to clean my toilet," I say and restart the game. Fifteen minutes later, he stomps his foot again and demands a rematch. "Nope! I win, you owe me Kendricks. Why? Your man pride can't handle losing to a girl?"

"Oh, my man pride can handle it fine, it's losing to you that bothers me," he mutters. "Are you too scared to go again Edwards?"

"Fine, let's go. Last game, I have gamers thumb," I say and he scoffs.

"That's not a thing."

"It is now."

"Wow! Carrie made it up so it must be legitimate," he says and I grab my hand into the pile of snacks, grabbing a bar of chocolate.

"Alec, have a snickers," I say and throw it into his lap.


"Because you're not you when you're hungry," I reply and he shrugs, biting into the candy bar. "Better?"

"Fuck no, now I'm going to kick your ass, Edwards," he says and picks up the controller.

"Bring it, Kendricks."


"I cannot believe I lost sixty-five times," he grumbles as we head into the kitchen.

"Believe it, Kendricks. You owe me, forty five 'favors' and fifty bucks. If you ever go to Vegas, stay away from the card tables, you're going to your ass kicked in gambling," I say, taking out a can of Pepsi and sipping it. It's three o'clock in the afternoon, a week after Christmas but we were still on break. I was still wearing my pajamas, I had my hair up in a ponytail and I was wearing my nerd glasses. I looked like the stereotypical anti-social slight nerd that I was.

He however, was wearing a pair of pajamas, very deliciously shirtless, with his hair messed up and blue eyes that were as bright as the sky.

"Do you have any Coke?" He asks and I shake my head.

"I like Pepsi better, I don't buy Coke," I explain and he shrugs, playing with the deck of cards on the counter.

"Pick a card," He says, sticking the deck out and I pick a random card out, look at it and put it back in the deck. He takes the deck and shuffles it. "So how are your parents?"

"My parents?" I ask confused then clear my throat, "Uh, yeah. They're good, I saw them the other day," I say.

Not a total lie, I did bring flowers to the graveyard last week.

"Can I meet them?" He asks and I sputter on my Pepsi.

"Uh, why?" I reply and he shrugs.

"I don't know, you met my parents. It seems like meeting yours would even the score," he says and I sigh.

"Well I mean, it's not like we have a score going," I mutter.

"Is this your card?" He asks, holding out a two of hearts.

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