Chapter Five| Misfortune in Encountering Bears and Brave

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Chapter 5~ The misfortune in bears

“Maybe it’ll be a nice bear like the ones from Brave?” I suggest quietly

“Yes, I’m so sure that his only interest in this world is to break a curse,” Alec retorts

“You know, why do you know all the endings to Disney movies anyway?!” I ask and he shrugs

“I have a younger sister.”

“But that doesn’t explain anything, she’s like 14, not 5,” I point out

“Guys, Priorities, please. Bear, huge, brown. Concentrate?” Marnie suggests

“No sudden movements, let’s just back away slowly, don’t make loud noises,” Eli says

“Thanks for stating the obvious Satan…” Alec mutters and we slowly start to back away

“Can I be Lucifer? Lucifer’s cooler, and a better name,” Eli asks sarcastically

“Is there a difference?”



“People, priorities?!” Marnie hisses at us but by now we’re a safe distance from the bear.

“Okay, let’s just turn around and walk back to where we came from, okay?” Eli suggests

“If we could do that, we wouldn’t be lost now would we asshole?” Alec retorts sarcastically

“I don’t know what time it is but my feet hurt and I think it’s going to get dark soon,” Marnie looks around the woods nervously.

“Maybe we should camp out again?” I suggest

“Where? There’s no lake, the best we can do is get back on a regular trail and make camp there,” Eli says and Tyler nods in agreement.

“Okay, let’s walk back to the trail and from there we can either try to keep walking or set up camp,” Alec suggests

“No way am I walking at night,” Marnie argues

“Carrie, what do you think?”

“Well, I’m not walking but you guys must be tired so I think we should go back to the main trail, set up camp there and then head out again in the morning. We probably won’t be able to make a fire but we have other dry foods to eat too,” I say.

“Good point. Let’s do that and then we can figure it out from there.”

By now we were far away from the bear, and walking down the trail, back where we came from. We set up camp in a circle of trees and eat granola bars and drank water mostly. Then there came the bathroom problem.

“Carrie, just pee in the woods!” Eli laughs

“Good lord, Eli. How do I do that with a broken leg?” I hiss at him

“I’d be more than happy to help,” Alec winks at me and I groan in disgust

“I’d rather have my bladder explode and die than do that.”

“You wound me, Princess.”

“And you say that phrase way too much!”

So it was decided that Marnie would help me with my… problem. We limped through the woods, far away from the boys and she stood guard while I did my business in the bushes. I sat back down by the camp fire bright red while they all held back laughter.

“I hate you guys.”


“What if we tried the smoke signal again?” I suggest ask two afternoons later. It was our fourth day lost in the woods and we all reeked of sweat, pond water (mind you, that was just me), and we probably had more blood taken out of us from mosquitoes than the nearest blood bank did.

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