Chapter Three| The Misfortune in Rooming With The Bad Boy

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Chapter 3~ The misfortune in rooming with the bad boy

"Hi Carrie, can I speak with you?" I look up from my book to see Mrs. Malley, the school guidance counselor. She was nice, but like all counselors, she was nosy. I nod and get up from my seat at lunch, following her to her office.

"So, I've been watching you for the past four years, Carrie," she starts

Watching me? That's not creepy at all

"And I have noticed that you are a remarkable young woman but I believe you lack of confidence..."

And pointing that out is such a boost!

"So I'm nominating you for project C. It's such a great program, it's like a summer camp where you go for a weekend and spend time with other people like you..."

Other people like me? What the hell does that mean?

"And every year we send two exceptional students to go-"

You mean, you send two poor outcast losers to spend the weekend with other outcast losers? That is such a great idea!

"And I think that you have such... challenging circumstances that I believe you would really benefit from this program and it's especially designed for teens battling depression"

Depression? I'm not depressed! Where... where did this come from? She is getting some bad Intel

"Especially those with social challenges, with no friends..."

I have friends! Okay, friend. I have a friend.

"And I just... really want to see your progress after this program, I think that you could really benefit and become someone so much better than who you are now. Now, it doesn't cost anything, I know you have a bit of a financial situation."

Jesus Christ, does this woman ever stop talking? Like... did you actually get a physiologists degree? The main question is who is the other poor kid that has to spend the weekend with my sunny self?

"That sounds great Mrs. Malley, who am I going to be spending the weekend with?" I ask quietly and she stops talking, and stares at me.

"Oh, um, well." She pushes her glasses up her nose and takes out another file. "It appears you will be spending the weekend with Alec Kendrick, he was the other student that was nominated."

As if on cue, the door to the office opened and in he walked, his very posture oozed bad boy charm and charisma.

"Hola, Gwen. What can I do for you?" He says, calling Mrs. Malley by her first name and she scowled.

"Mr. Kendrick, have a seat. As I was explaining to Ms. Edwards-"

"Hey, motorcycle girl! What's up?" He greets and I wave quickly, averting my gaze to the picture of Hawaii on her desk.

"Oh you've met! How wonderful!" Mrs. Malley cries out and I can practically hear wheels turning in her head.

"Yes, Gwenny, we've met. It's a small school," Alec scoffs and 'Gwenny' sighs exasperated at Alec's use of her first name.

"So, as I was explaining to Ms. Edwards, you're going to be spending a weekend in the woods-"

"What?! I haven't done anything, I swear! I don't even know who vandalized the boy's bathroom last night!" He exclaims

"Somebody vandalized the boy's bathroom?!" Mrs. Malley looks shocked.

"No, no idea what you're talking about." Alec quickly covers up.

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