Chapter Fifteen

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Katherina felt as if she was burning. As if somehow, fire was igniting inside her. Attempting to light her up. Trying to force the emotions and words out of her.

Katherina simply stared at her Father. Making sure she didn't exhibit any emotion on her face.

However inside, she wanted to scream. Scream till she could no longer speak, scream at him- at them- for even considering making her princess.

Princess of the Night Court...

It felt as if the room was closing in on her.  The distance between the walls was shrinking. She couldn't take a breath.

Panic, anguish, anger, and despair were all attempting to surface. Attempting to erupt within her.

She couldn't help but stare. Maybe if she stared long enough, they might see the fire that was trying to suffocate her.

A voice then warned her.


But she chose to disregard it. Her ability to even think had eluded her.

Tension and stillness began to spread around the room. Katherina could see her father's lips move as if he was asking a question, but she couldn't hear him.

She was underwater. Trying to fight her way to the surface, but there was nothing there. Fighting for air, but she was too deep to reach it no matter how hard she tried.


She got up suddenly, muttering a soft 'excuse me' before she burst through the door with shaking hands.

Her head began to pound, and her stomach started to twist and turn.

Katherina didn't know where she was heading; all she knew was that she had to get out.

She paid no mind to the worried looks or concerned gazes. Everything just seemed to vanish.

The hallways that once just seemed to glow, turned rugged and stoned.

Katherina's memories started to blur in, forcing her to remember who she was.

That what they were offering her was who she was meant to be. A force that was unstoppable, powerful.

Some people would adore her, while others would despise her. They would worship her while also fearing her.

Katherina has the power to bring this world and many others to their knees if she so desires.


Tears started to spill

"Leave me alone," she cried. Pushing the last door open until she was atop the House of Wind.

As soon as she stepped outdoors, the wind blew against her. It was as though the weather had picked up on her mood.

Katherina, on the other hand, no longer hurt.

She was angry.

Katherina collapsed to her knees, her palms resting on the ground. As rage-filled tears streamed down her face, she felt the earth tremble.

She paused for a breath before letting out a scream.

Her hair, like her clothing, was blown up by the wind.

Lighting began to swarm the House of Wind. The sky was rocked by thunder.

But, Katherina kept screaming.

She'd keep doing it until her voice was hoarse. Until she couldn't take any more air.

Then, the emptiness began to creep in at that point.

Although the sky began to clear, it remained dark. The hurricane seems to have left Velaris unfettered. As if it hadn't happened at all; and perhaps it hadn't. Maybe it was all a figment of her mind.

The voice, the pain, the sadness, the emptiness...

The world seemed to be slowing down, as if it were anticipating Katherina's next move.

But Katherina was drained. Trying to push air back into her lungs.

Behind her, someone then chuckled.

She glanced back to see Amren leaning against the glass door.

Katherina paid no mind to the Ancient One as she tried to regain her strength.

Amren started to walk before her, seeming to take in the Sky, ground and Katherina.

"Well Well," Amren mocked. Her smoke like glass eyes piercing at Katherina. "Seems as though you've made a mess."

Katherina scoffed, "Don't taunt me."

"Is that a threat?"

Yes, no- Katherina couldn't think. She just wanted to rest. Close her eyes in hopes to never awake again.

Amren, on the other hand, seemed to enjoy her conflict, which enraged Katherina even more.

Amren then gripped Katherina's chin and pushed her to raise her head.

She looked at Katherina as if she were a pitiful creature attempting to be God. Something more, however, glistened in her eyes.

Something that made Katherina nervous. It required a lot of work to get Amren's attention. And she has, in some way.

"Once," Amren recalled, "there was someone like you. Afraid of what her power will make her become. Hid her true nature behind flesh walls. Lies to 'protect' those around her. Herself."

Confusing then took Katherinas features.

"And I told her the day she explodes," Amren said before letting Katherina go. "That It was felt all throughout the world."

"I don't get it..." Katherina whispered.

Amren smirked, her silver eyes gleaming in the dim light.

"Katherina, don't try to hide the beast inside you. If you're terrified of what you'll become, remember that you have complete control over the role first."

Amren then walked away, just as the rain began to fall.

Katherina remained motionless while she watched the Ancient one go.

And then she listened.

The pitter-patter of the rain hitting against stone. The sound of leaves rubbing against each other in a delicate rustling.

And the world seemed to resume at that point. Seeming to be uninterested in her. Katherina, on the other hand, took no offense.

Katherina stood there, her ears filled with the faint splash of water dripping off her. Her body was cold, but she disregarded it.

The rain began to fade as the minutes stretched into hours. Katherina then went back to her room.

She shut the door behind her as she switched on the bath and watched the steamed water fill the tub.

Katherina stripped herself of her wet gown as stepped into the tub.

Perhaps Amren was correct... Katherina might be set free if she quit hiding.

Katherina, on the other hand, understood it was incorrect.

A clawed hand then grabbed Katherinas hair, forcing her to tilt her head back as The Darkness stared at her with raged filled eyes.

"You have ten seconds before I drag you from the bath to tell me why the hell you blocked me from your mind."

My Darling KatherinaOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant