Chapter 2 A New Friend?

Start from the beginning

"You are making it a bigger deal than it is," I said to him, getting back to my own food.

"It is a big deal. Seriously, thank you for all the lunches."

I stared at him, hearing the sincerity in his voice.

"Is Ayato's food really that good?" Matsuno questioned.

"Hell yeah it is," Baji said with a huge grin, "Best food I ever ate."

"No way. Let me try."

Baji moved the bento out of Matsuno's reach, "There's no way I will let you have any. But I'd be happy to share some Peyoung Yakisoba with you."

Matsuno frowned, "Why would I?"

"What? My packed lunch isn't good enough for you?" Yukimura chipped in, pouting at her boyfriend.

"Ah. No. That's not it. I was just curious as to what Ayato's food tastes like. That's all, Misaki-chan."

I drowned out as the couple began to bicker amongst themselves. I felt a pair of eyes on me.

"Something you want, Baji-san?"

"Just trying to figure you out."

I turned to him, "Good luck with that."


May 19th, 2004

I ate as the three conversed with each other. A month had already flown by. Baji was now regularly eating with the three of us. Matsuno seemed to have grown quite attached to him. It happened one day. He had come to school with new injuries on his face but he had made friends with Baji. I never asked what had happened between them and they never told me.

"That reminds me, we have a meeting tonight. You'll be there, right, Chifuyu?" Baji asked.

Matsuno smirked, "Yeah. Won't miss it."

"A meeting?" Yukimaru questioned.

I felt Matsuno look at me before answering her, "Nothing important."

I watched her press her lips together, "Oh. You won't be coming to school with cuts all over your face again, right?" She turned to Baji, "Baji-kun, you have to protect him, okay?"

I suddenly felt like I was the only one that was unaware of what was even going on. They had all shared a secret and did not tell me. But I couldn't be mad at them. I had many secrets I was hiding from them.

It just felt odd hearing Yukimura ask Baji to protect Matsuno. Matsuno was the second strongest person at this school under me. How could Baji protect him? I was missing something.

"I will," Baji responded.

"You still uninterested in being in a gang, Ayato?"

I wasn't surprised by his sudden question. I had been approached by many different gangs trying to recruit me as a member. I always declined them. It was always the same with them. They would threaten that they would beat me up if I didn't join them or some other stupid threat. I always won and got my way. Leaving me to be free from being forced into a gang.

"My answer hasn't changed. I won't ever be in a gang."

"Thought so."

"Why are you asking?"

"Er. Well, I guess because a couple of weeks ago when I was walking home from school a gang called Mandala was waiting for you to pass by on the street near where we live. They knew I was friends with you."

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