Chapter 1 Meeting Baji Keisuke

Start from the beginning

"Seriously. They picked the wrong room to pick on him," another girl said with a scowl on her face.

"Right? It was right in front of Kurosaki-kun. How stupid," another said, turning her eyes on me with a smile, "You were amazing again, Kurosaki-kun!"

"Yeah! You are so cool!"

The girls kept on gushing over me. This always made me feel so awkward. I wondered if they knew underneath the male's uniform and my stoic expression was just a girl that had locked away all her emotions, would they feel the same way? Probably not. To them, I was nothing but a 'pretty boy' who was able to protect them. And honestly, that was fine with me. I didn't want anyone finding my secret. Not ever.

"But aren't you a delinquent?" I heard the new guy question.

I could feel his eyes taking in my appearance. I didn't wear the school's uniform as it was intended. I didn't know how to tie a tie nor did I want to learn how. I felt restricted with one on. I also left the first two buttons of the white blouse undone. I also had three piercings on my left ear where that half of my hair was tied back to show them off.

"Not all delinquents are the same," I replied to him. I turned my gaze to the girls, "I am sorry if any of you were scared."

"We could never be scared knowing that you are here protecting our school, Kurosaki-kun." All the girls in the room seemed to agree.

"Man," I turned to a boy in the back that was witnessing this all, "I wish I could be as cool and get the girls." His three friends that surrounded him as they ate their lunch laughed at him.

"Good luck with that," one of his friends said before turning to me with a grin, "Thanks again for looking out for us. Because of you we can all focus on our school work rather than being bullied by those lowlives."

I kept forgetting that other than the bullies of this school, everyone else seemed to respect someone like me.

"Good," I said. I turned back to the boy, "What's your name?"

I never really took the time to ever ask anyone for their names. I never cared enough to ask. It wasn't as if I wanted to make any friends. I wanted to keep everyone at arm's length. There were only a few people that I let close to me but that was because they were too stubborn to stay away from me.

"Baji Keisuke."

"Baji-san, where is your lunch?"

He seemed surprised by my question, "I didn't bring one."

"So, you intend on doing your work rather than eating?" He nodded his head. "Here." I placed my neatly wrapped bento box on top of his desk. "If you intend to study hard you need a proper meal. It is necessary to have the proper nourishment for your brain to operate at its best."

He looked down at the desk to the bento box and back at my face, "What about you?"

I shrugged, "I won't die from missing one meal today. I will just make sure to make two lunches for next time."

"Wait. Two?"

"For me and you."

He looked stunned.

"Aw, I wish I got to try Kurosaki-kun's cooking," one of the girls commented.

"Me too," a chorus of agreements were heard from other girls and even guys in the class.

I don't know why I had offered my lunch to this guy. I also didn't know why I offered to prepare lunch for him again. I suppose that I felt the need to take care of the new guy at our school after witnessing some guys trying to take advantage of him. If I took him under my wing, no one would dare try to bully him again. Yeah, that had to be it.

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