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Cristy (scream): Aaaa...all are same now what I have to do...I have to do that something then soon I can go to the god.

I have to do that something then soon I can go to the god

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Chen (irritating): You are a girl...why are you think in old style...use your brain then you will get to know what should you do...?

Cristy: If you are so intelligent then tell me what should I do...?

That's when they heard a sound,it was a car accident and it fall down from bridge.both of them get shocked.that car felling to the river.

Chen (shocked): What is that...I think we should help that person.

Cristy nodded to him and then chen jumped to the river and syart sweming go trowed to the car.he break the car window and bring that girl out side frim the car and both came our from river.

Cristy (worried): Chen are you ok...?

He nodded to her then they both look at the girl and chen get shocked to see her face.suddenly he get stand and go to her and put her head on his cheast and start crying.

Cristy: Hey...did you know her...?

Chen (crying): Sofia...what happens to you please open your eyes...please...how did happen?

Then she start moving her fingers and slowly open also touched his face tears falling from  her eyes but she is not in her seance.

Sofia (mumble): She...shen...I...I...love you...

Hearing this chen get shocked but that's when she again get faint.

Cristy (worried): I think we should take her to the hospital...

Chen (worried): Yeah...

Then he get stand and put her uo to his arms and ran trowed to his car.then cristy sit back seat and then chen lying sofia un side the car and he drive the car faster than ever.

Soon they reach to the hospital and chen take her up to his arms and go trowed then two word boys came and lying her.soon doctor also came and check her then take her to the operation theater after five hours doctor came out then chen stand and go to him.

Chen (worried): Doctor...how...how...is she now?

Doctor: Is her perants came here...who two of you...?

CONFUSED BUT LOVEOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora