Holliday special: 🎃

Start from the beginning

"It is no fair! You are taller than me!" Heather laughed.

"It is so fair," she laughed and kissed Heather's lips. Heather leaned into the kiss happily and wrapped her arms around her neck.

"I hate you," Heather mumbled against her lips.

"And I love you too," she said and kissed her again.

This life was perfect and Heather never wanted it to end.

* * *

"We are here," Hiccup said, bringing Heather out of her thoughts.

Heather blinked and got back to the present. She needed to get these flashbacks under control.

She got out of the car and went with Hiccup and Astrid into their old high school. Heather could already see the lights and hear the music. It wasn't going to be a boring night at least.

They entered the building and said their names to the person upfront. Once everything was done they entered the gym and saw it decorated for Halloween.

The trio quickly located the rest of their group and walked over to them.

"Hi guys," Hiccup said.

"Hi, Hiccup," Fishlegs said. He was dressed up as something that could only be a giant black cat. He looked rather cute.

"Hi," Snotlout said. It didn't look like he was dressed up. He just wore a leather jacket, a white shirt underneath, to tight black pants, and white sneakers, his hair also looked even greater than normal.

"Where are the twins?" Astrid asked as she looked around.


Heather yelped as she felt two hands on her shoulders.


Heather turned and saw Tuffnut in a Frankenstein's monster costume, with bolts in his neck and green facepaint. Ruffnut was wearing a mad scientist costume.

The gang began to talk and laugh. They got some punch, which was stronger than Heather had expected. Then again, she was never a fan of drinking.

"So how are your love lives going?" Snotlout asked. He was never into relationships so he never got into one, but he was very curious about theirs.

"We are great. Planning our wedding," Hiccup said while wrapping an arm around Astrid's waist.

"Me and Ruff, are still talking about it," Fishlegs said.

"I am still trying to get back with my boyfriend. We went on a little break but I want to talk to him again," Tuffnut said in a sad tone.

"What about you Heather?" Snotlout asked.

"I am still single," Heather said. They all knew about her breakup with her last partner.

"Still not talking to her?" Fishlegs asked.

"No. I don't know what to say. "Sorry, I didn't mean to yell at you, you just made me really angry with the way you treat yourself and I couldn't take it at that time, but now I am better so please take me back." I can't say that," Heather said and looked at the floor.

It had been her fault, the whole fight. Her poor partner had just wanted her to help her. She was addicted to alcohol but tried her best to stop. Heather was pretty sure that it was her mother's health condition that pushed her back into drinking. And Heather had just left her there. She felt awful.

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