"Welcome to the Kingdom of Balbadd, Princess (Y/N). We have been expecting you." The King started to look around before he stared at me once more, "Didn't your father accompany you?"

"Due to the uprise in alliances being set in place, my father has assigned me to assist him in his never ending effort to promote peace and prosperity throughout the seven seas. I volunteered to meet you, your majesty, in the hopes that we may establish a strong bond between Feanel and Balbadd." I answered, not feeling offended by the King. I knew very well that I was lesser than, especially by status and blood; However, I stood strong in the hopes he wouldn't take pity on me. The King smiled at my answer.

"Very well spoken, indeed." King Rashid rose from his throne and started to walk over to a large round table with a large map covering the tabletop. Numerous other papers also covered the table. I followed him over, "So, let's start off with trade between Balbadd and Feanel. What would your country like to provide for the people of Balbadd, and vice versa?" Mitsuko handed me a stack of papers, before I could answer truthfully. Clearing my voice, I quickly looked over the papers.

"In return for textiles and lumber, we would give you exotic foods, fiber, and ships. We also have a large supply of fennels which could be used in various dishes and medicines. Various medicinal herbs are also on the market if medicine is considered necessary for you and your kingdom." I explained briefly, looking up from the papers to see the older man gazing down at me without any emotion in his eyes. I jolted a little waiting for any sort of reply.

"What about military? If we were to supposedly go to war with a neighboring nation, would Feanel be there to back Balbadd up?" He asked, making me nervous once again.

"If it is deemed necessary, than Feanel would be more than happy to assist in any way we can; However, we will only provide aid. Feanel refuses to join a war of any kind for the time being. By the time you ensue war on another country, we will be there to heal the misfortunate and provide financial aid. Feanel will also be there in the terms of helping those who wish for our support. Feanel, it's king, and myself wish to take any of the citizens who are suffering from poverty and misfortune. Future or present." King Rashid only smirked at me as I stated the truth.

"Dear girl, you wear your heart on your sleeve." He stated, as a small, embarrassed blush formed on my cheeks. 'What did I say wrong?' I wondered, feeling foolish and fake. Before I could think anymore negative thoughts, he spoke again, "But I see that your heart is one made of gold. Innocence shines brightly upon you. No malice hangs in your eyes, so I will agree to your trade agreement. I look forward to working with Feanel." Smiling brightly at the king, I lightly shook his hand before going over some peace agreements and such.

As I conversed with King Rashid, a beady pair of black eyes watched me from afar. When I would glance back to meet them, I saw the eldest prince staring at me. When Rashid left the room for other diplomatic matters, I was left alone with the three princes and a promise that the king would return shortly. Walking over to the youngest, I kneeled down and decided to introduce myself. "Hello there, my name is (Y/N). What's your name?"

"Alibaba." He answered plainly.

"What a strong name you have Alibaba. Tell me, how old are you?" I asked, wanting to keep the conversation, so I didn't have to talk to the creep who was eyeing me.

"I'm ten years old." Alibaba answered, keeping his embarrassed expression hidden.

"Why, you're practically a man already." After I said that, an annoying voice interrupted.

"What on earth are you talking about?! He's a small, pathetic brat who doesn't deserve the title of a man." Before I could speak up for the younger boy, the eldest spoke again, "My name is Ahbmad Saluja, first heir to the throne. Won't you talk to me instead of the pipsqueak?!" I was about to say something completely uncalled for, but then I had an idea to get him off my back.

"Well... I suppose I could, but I doubt the first heir would even consider talking to a commoner who turned into a Princess not even six years ago." Ahbmad froze a bit before glaring at me with an utter hatred. 'At least it stopped him from flirting with me...' I huffed to myself, before smiling back at Alibaba who gazed up at me softly. Right then, Rashid returned and gave me a faint smile, "Your majesty, if everything is in working order, then I'll be off. I don't wish to bother you any longer; However, before I go, I wish for you to write a letter about Balbadd's condition every so often, if it wouldn't be a problem." He nodded in affirmation before I left the palace with my generals in tow.

"Did you learn something, Princess?" Mitsuko asked smarmily, as I continued looking forward.

"To hide my emotions better. If an enemy kingdom noticed how weak I was in there, they would surely take advantage of it. I also should have stayed for a couple days to ensure that the agreements are met and stable; However, it would be rude to go back in there and ask to stay to do just that." Mitsuko smiled, before continuing to walk behind me. As we walked back to the ship, I talked to some impoverished people, inviting them to live in Feanel. Once everything was situated, I boarded my ship once more.

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