Chapter Twelve

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The first chapter in the double upload for my birthday, hope you enjoy!


Felix's POV:

We sat in the living room after breakfast. well, more like I sat and he laid down with his head in my lap.
I was gently running my fingers though his long hair when I got an idea. "Mate?" He opened his eyes, looking up at me with a curious smile. "I know I've asked this before, but I was hoping you'd tell me your name now?" He pursed his lips looking a little nervous. "It's alright, you don't have to if you're not ready." After closing his eyes and nodding slowly, I figured the topic had been dropped. So I settled back into comfortable silence with my head leaning against the back of the couch.

"E-Ermm.. N-Names are of
w-wa-want?" I opened my eyes and looked down at him, surprised that he continued with the question. "Well, yes. We use names to converse with each other and differentiate between people in conversations." I watched him nod, as he begun to fidget with my tie. "Is it not common for people to use names where you're from?" Instantly he grew more timid and nervous. I felt bad for even bringing it up- but unfortunately it can't be unsaid. "I-I not re-remember-ber i from." I pursed my lips, not wanting to make him uncomfortable but at the same time curious. "You are of the demon race right?" He nodded slowly. "Have you never been to your homeland?"

"N-Not know.. have only memory of t-th-the scary pl-place, a-and else.." his broken English was slightly confusing, but I figured it probably isn't his first language so for that. It's pretty good. "What is else? You don't remember your family or growing up?" I instantly regretted my question at the pained look in his sad eyes.
"F-Family-ily n-not find me, no.."
I could see the tears building in his eyes as he looked away, my wolf whimpered and whined at me for upsetting him. "Baby?"

His eyes snapped back towards me and I saw a blush dust his cheeks at the name of endearment. "How long were you at the scary place..?" A few tears rolled down his cheeks and my heart broke when he whimpered out the few words I didn't want to hear.

"From-m w-whe-n w-was little.."


After the incident earlier I didn't mention where he was from again. My wolf was angry with me for making him cry and was currently sulking in the back of my head as I worked. My little Mate was sitting in the office with me, looking out the window watching the snowfall.

Finally having gone through and organized the last document for the day I turned off the old computer and strode over to the window. Standing just behind my Mate i looked down and noticed he was watching a few of the pups rolling about and playing in the snow. It hurt my heart to think that he never got to do that. But then I got an idea. "Baby, would you like to go outside?" His eyes locked on mine for the first time and he smiled happily. "Y-Yes?" I chuckled at the questioning response and nodded- to which he made grabby hands at me asking to be lifted from the love-seat.
"Okay, but first we're going down to the ground floor. I've had one of the pack elders make you some clothing to try on, so we'll do that now." He nodded shyly hurrying to hide his face in the crook of my neck. I just smiled and carried him through the pack-house, hoping at least some of the clothes will fit.


I sighed, upset that none of the clothes seemed to be small enough to fit him correctly. Apparently my little Mate was much thinner than I had expected. as I've never seen his body without it being drowned in clothes, it was currently a guessing game what size would fit him. though now he had warmer clothes that fit a little better than what he was wearing, I still want to get it perfect so he can be comfortable.

As we reached the front door I did one more check over- making sure the beanie was snug on his head and his jacket buttoned up properly. Stepping into the flurry outside, making my way over to the frozen fountain and sitting down with him in my lap. The snow falling into his hair made me feel really fuzzy inside for some reason. It could've been his smile, or the pink on his cold cheeks. But I definitely felt my heartbeat quicken at how adorable he is. "Y-You look-looking funny." I chuckled at his observation. He quirked his head to the left, looking like a curious puppy with his little shy smile. I leant forwards and planted a kiss into his hair. "I'm just admiring how adorable you look, sitting in my lap."

After a few minutes of us talking (mainly me talking) he jumped and turned around abruptly. I shifted him to the side so I could see what he was looking at. "Kyle, Armani what are you two doing?" The two pups ducked theirs heads slightly, a respectful greeting. Then Kyle shifted back.
"W-Will you play with us..?" I smiled and shook my head at the 6 year old, the energetic puppy always wants to play. "He can't stand kiddo, his legs have an owie. Why don't you play with Armani?" He puffed his cheeks out, pouting. "B-Because Mani don't want to throw sticks!"

"Well, where's your mama?"

"She helping aunt Maggie with food.."
I sighed, looking at Armani sitting behind Kyle with his ears flopped down. Then I felt a tug on my hand. "I-I can do throw s-st-sticks.." Both boys lifted their heads up and Kyle smiled widely. "Alright. you heard him boys, go get a stick." Kyle promptly shifted back and they both raced to find a good stick.

Around 3 hours later I decided he was getting too cold, so we said bye the the pups and went back up to the apartment to get him warmed up. I sat him on the couch- making sure to cuddle him up in a blanket and get the fire going before I went to make us some food.

I had almost finished when I received a stressed mind-link from Sia.

"Felix, there's demons at the front gate!"




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