Chapter 17: Illiana

Start from the beginning

"There we go, that should work." Elizabeth smiled in front of me when the other one finally stopped brushing, the hair falling gently down my back and over my shoulders. "Now, we will see you after dinner or whenever you get back here.


My eyes stared down at the plate, unsure of what to think about what I had eaten. It was a simple meal, at least that was what I had thought with how the queen and Princess Rebecca reacted with the food, but it was far more than what I was used to or expecting.

Neither of these two seemed to think that this was out of the ordinary, rather it was like it was something they had eaten more time than not. Do they always eat like this? Better food than just bread and cheese? Is this really so different that there would be little that was similar to what I knew back home?

The longer that I was with them, the more that I heard them speak and the more that I saw, I felt like was in a fairy tale, a story where everything would end happily. But that could not be it, there was no such thing as happy endings. Nothing like a fairy tale actually existed in this story.

"Tell me, Illiana, are you wanting to return to bed now or would you like a tour of the palace? Even if it is just a few places, it will give you an idea of where things are here." The queen spoke, her voice breaking the silence that had befallen on us as we ate.

"It does not matter." I told her. How could I tell her that I really did not want to see her home, to have tour on it, especially when it was something she seemed so proud of. So content with.

"Well, allow us to show you some of the most important parts of the palace and then we can call it a night." She offered, standing up and glancing down at me, her hand motioning for me to follow.

"Can I come too, mama?" Princess Rebecca pleaded, her chair scooting back as she jumped upwards, her feet carrying her around my chair.

"Did you get your work done? You do have your lessons tomorrow." Was the queens response and I stared at her in confusion, my eyes glancing back and forth. What kind of lessons did she have that resulted in her have to do work?

"Already done, mama. I finished it when Princess Illiana was sleeping!" The girl laughed, her eyes turning towards me with a bright smile. "Plus, I think the one thing we should really show her is the library."

"Well, obviously." The woman responded, her eyes rolling upwards and then turning to me, her eyes twinkling with laughter. "More than likely, you will be having a young girl following you around." Her gaze glanced over to her daughter who smiled in response, her hand slipping into mine.

"I am used to it with my sisters." I told them and smiled softly as I glanced down at the girl. She was almost as tall as I was, the top of her head reaching the same height as my chin. I was not sure is she was tall or if I was short, either way, she really was about my height.

"That is true, you did have a lot of siblings. It must have been hard to have any time to yourself." The queen stated as she turned and walked towards the door, Princess Rebecca and I were following close behind. The first place that the queen led us to was right across the hall and into a large, gigantic room. The marble walls and the shiny marble flooring was breathtaking to say the least. The light from the chandeliers glittered off the floor, casting a gentle light across the walls. At the far side of the room was a large table draped in a white cloth with a small vase of flowers stood.

"This is where everyone is going to celebrate after the wedding!" Princess Rebecca giggled loudly, rushing towards the middle of the room before spinning around, her arms spread out beside her. "I cannot wait to see you fly, Princess Illiana!"

My shoulders tensed and I stared at her in horror and confusion, but she did not see. She was to lost in her thoughts and in her dreams, perhaps that was for the best. I swallowed nervously, my arms wrapped around my middle and holding myself close. How could I fly since I was never taught? How could I be taught when there was nothing that I could do to stop my wings from being removed. Had Rebecca not been told about what was going to happen or was I really the one who was so confused that I had no clue what was happened around me?

"You cannot fly, can you?"

My heart froze and I held my breath in surprise as I turned to see Reginald's mother standing behind me, her eyes watching me skeptically.

"Your father never had you taught to fly and, by conclusion, I think it might be safe to say that you do not know how to use your magic either?" She questioned as she stepped up to me, her hand falling onto my shoulder and her eyes bearing into mine. "Am I correct, Illiana?"

"Yes, ma'am." My voice was soft and my eyes turned and stared down at the ground, unable to really look up at her, feeling as if I had done something wrong.

"I was afraid so when I saw your reaction to my daughter's flying. I cannot help but wonder what your father had told you." Her voice was questioning even though what she said was not a question. I could not tell her, I could not speak it and I was not sure why.

I knew what was going to happen, but I felt, standing in front of her, it was wrong.That I was wrong, but was I? Was I really so incorrect that I had no idea what was happening? Or what was going to happen.

"Either way, that is something we will have to work at changing." She sighed, her hand falling away from me as she turned to look at her daughter. "I can send word to a woman that I know in town who can help educate you on your magic and your flying, but it will take time and practice. I am sure when my son returns, he will also insist on these lessons."

Lessons? On flying and magic?

Everything was not what I thought but I could not understand. Everything was so different, so off, and none of it was making any sense. My arms tightened around my middle as I began to realize one thing.

Even if everything that I know is wrong, even if, by some miracle, that father had lied to me, things were still strange. Either way, I was afraid. Afraid of what I was told would happen and of the idea that everything was not like I was told.

Only one question was inside of me that I could piece together. What was going to happen to me now?

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