Steven Is Gonna Ruin His Opportunity

8 3 9

South Main St

Middletown, Connecticut

Steven: *walking past Jerry's Pizza* This night walk is fantastic!

Cop: *driving*

Steven: I better make it back home, before Ken wakes up! It'll be 2 am, soon!

Cop: *pulls over* Sir, you shouldn't be out this late!

Steven: I know, officer. I'm on my way back home, now. *walks towards Ward St*

Cop: Where do you live, sir?

Steven: I can't tell you.

Cop: I said, where do you live?

Steven: Thomas St.

Cop: That's by Butternut Hollow Park, right?

Steven: Yeah.

Cop: Come on, I'll give you a ride home. Get in.

Steven: No, that's okay! I'll walk.

Cop: *hisses* I said, get in!

Steven: I don't go anywhere with a stranger!

Cop: Sir, I'm a cop! Just get in!

Steven: *sighs* Fine, you win. *gets in the cop car*

Cop: *drives Steven home*

This story was written on Thursday, October 28th, 2021.

A/N Steven, are you trying to get yourself in trouble? You can't be out this late! And, if Ken found out you weren't home, you would not be participating in the Halloween party! Oy! 🙄 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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