There Are No Such Things As Ghosts!

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Nathan: *hears a howling sound outside* What was that?

Wind: *howling on an overcast night*

Nathan: That sounded like a ghost!!! *teeth chattering*

Trevor: Nonsense!! Ghosts don't exist!

Wind: *howls louder like a ghost*

Nathan: *screams* AHH!!!! GHOST!!! *runs into the closet to hide*

Trevor: Oh, for crying out loud! Come on out of there, you scaredy cat!

Nathan: *from inside the closet* No! Not until the ghost goes away!

Trevor: That was just the wind, that was making all that noise! There's no such thing as ghosts!

Nathan: *comes out of the closet* Okay.

Trevor: I don't want to hear anymore nonsense about ghosts! You got that?

Nathan: Yes.

Trevor: Good.

Unknown Voice: Whooooooo!!!!!!

Nathan: *screams at the top of his lungs* GHOST!!!!!!!! HELP!!!!!!

Trevor: Okay, I had enough of this! *beats up Nathan*

Nathan: *getting beat up*

Iris: *outside and chuckling* Ain't I a stinker?

Trevor: *still beating up Nathan*

Nathan: *still getting beat up*

This story was written on Friday, October 8th, 2021.

A/N Nathan actually thought there was a ghost outside!! It was only the wind, and it was Iris that was pretending to be a ghost!!! 👻👻👻😂😂😂😂😂😂 Halloween truly lives up to its name, don't it folks? Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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