Cool And Clammy

13 3 3

Butternut St

Middletown, Connecticut

Iris: *walking* So cool out, today!

Brian: *walking* And clammy! Overcast!

Iris: Definitely! *walking* Tomorrow is gonna be wet all day, and windy!

Brian: Yeah, a noreaster!

Iris: Tomorrow will be a good day to just stay indoors!

Brian: Agreed! No hint of any sun!

Iris: Nope! But, the Fall colors are really showing results!

Brian: That tree over there, has all red leaves!

Iris: *looks at the tree* That is so beautiful!

Brian: Indeed!

This story was written on Monday, October 25th, 2021.

A/N Such a cool and clammy day today. Especially on a Monday. 😣 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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