Can't Have Peanut Butter

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Jamie: Damien, want a cookie?

Me: Sure. What kind of cookie is it?

Jamie: Peanut butter.

Me: I can't have peanut butter. I'm allergic.

Jamie: One peanut butter cookie ain't gonna hurt. Just have one.

Craig: Did you not hear him? He can't have peanut butter!

Jamie: Just eat the cookie, Damien!

EsmeraldLovesBroppy: Oh my gosh! Do you want him to be sent to the hospital?

Jamie: No.

EsmeraldLovesBroppy: Then, stop getting him to eat the peanut butter cookie! And, keep that away from him!

Jamie: Fine! *eats the peanut butter cookie*

Phyllis: Make sure not to eat any candy with peanut butter on Halloween, okay?

Me: I know!

Ariel: No Snickers, or Reeses peanut butter cups!

Dorian: Duly noted! And, we'll be sure not to eat anything with peanut butter, close to you!

Me: Thanks, I appreciate it!

Jamie: *mutters* Scared of a little peanut butter.

Phyllis: What was that?

Jamie: Nothing.

This story was written on Thursday, October 21st, 2021.

A/N I cannot have anything with peanut butter, or peanut oil! I have a severe peanut allergy! I have my Epipen with me at all times! Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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