Melissa Is A Fish!

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Somewhere in Rhode Island.......

Fisherman: *Rhode Island accent* I bet there is a lot of fish in the water! *starts fishing and gets a bite* Yowza!!! I got a bite! *reels in his catch* This must be a big fish!

Melissa Hoon: *portraying a fish, with her lips puckered*

Fisherman: This is a weird looking fish! Looks almost human!

Melissa Hoon: *lips puckered*

Fisherman: Never seen a fish like this in all of Rhode Island! Wait till I tell the fellas about this!

Melissa Hoon: *lips still puckered*

This story was written on Monday, October 18th, 2021.

A/N Melissa is a fish, obviously!! A weird looking fish at that!! It really has that Rhode Island fisherman baffled, to say the least! 🤔😂 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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