chapter eight .·:*¨༺ happier

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i hope you're happy,
but not like how
you were with me.

[y/n's pov]

I sat at the end of the table for dinner, not touching my food. Flora sat next to me and Mrs Grose opposite her.

Miles wasn't here.

"So, it Miles okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, where is he?!" Flora exclaimed.

"He will not be eating with us tonight. He doesn't feel very well." She replied, oddly calm.

"Are you sure he's okay? I mean he was fine when we-"

"Don't ask questions."

I was silent from then on. I had to be obedient otherwise I could lose this job.

I stayed there until Mrs Grose and Flora left. I put away my food in the fridge, for someone else to have, and sat back at the table.

My head hung lowly and I chewed on my nails subconsciously.

"What are you doing?" I heard a voice behind me.

I whipped my head around to come face to face with Miles.

"Oh hi, I didn't hear you come down."

He ignored my comment and sat in the seat diagonal from me, since I was sat in the only chair that was on the end of the table.

"So.." I trailed off awkwardly, putting my hands together.

"Come with me." He said abruptly and stared walking away.

I didn't want to be downstairs by myself so I quickly followed after him, not really thinking about what could happen if I did.

We went to his room and he sat me down on his bean bag.

"A truce, because of our awkward moment today." He said and held out his guitar to me.

"What?" I said, confused.

"If you'll accept, to make a 'peace offering' we will both do something that benefits the other. You said you would teach me how to draw and I have decided to teach you the guitar." He explained.

"Oh that's, cool. When do we start?"


Miles ended up teaching me how to place my hands in positions on the strings to create a chord for when you strum the guitar.

Later, we went to my room and I taught Miles techniques, pencil softness and how to make sure you've got realistic proportions.

After, we sat in my room, practicing our drawings.

The landline phone rang loudly, making us both jump.

I ran to quickly pick it up.

"Hello?" I said into the microphone.

𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐑 , miles fairchildWhere stories live. Discover now