chapter nine .·:*¨༺ jealousy, jealousy

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got a pretty
face, pretty
boyfriend too.

[miles' pov]

She's going to come back crawling any minute now. She's spent too much time with me and now, she can't stand to be without me.

[y/n's pov]

I sat on my bed, feeling lonely once more. I looked at my phone and went to dial a number. I called Kate but she didn't pick up, she was probably visiting mum again.

I left her a message, a deep one. Just for me to blurt out everything I was feeling.

"Hi Kate, just seeing how you are doing. I just.. I think I'm going crazy Kate, something isn't right with this house. Someone died here. Someone has to know what happened. And I think I know who does."

And with that I hung up the phone and sighed deeply. I'm not going to do anything that could put me in danger, especially here.

Then I went to call Kinsey, my friend from high school. I hadn't spoken to her in a few months but I figured this would be a good time to restart our friendship.

The line rang 4 times and I was ready to put the phone back on the receiver when someone picked up.

"Hello?" A voice said.

"Kinsey! Um hi, it's Y/N." I smiled to myself, happy to hear her voice.

"No way. Y/N? Really? We haven't spoken in god knows how long!" I heard her squeal.

"I know." I laughed into the microphone.

"So, what are you doing?"

"Well, I'm at work right now." I replied.

"You have a job? What is it?" She asked excitedly.

"Um, a babysitter. Kinda, I live in the house. I teach the little girl."

"Damn, I still live with my mum. She ain't letting me go nowhere." She chuckled.

Our conversation went back and forth and by the time I finally hung up, it was very late.

I quickly stripped my clothes off and took a shower. I stood with the water running down my skin. Steam rose and condensed on the sliding door.

I 'drew' on the glass panel, making a peep hole. I then slid my hand across to get rid of all the fog.

And, on the corner, stood Miles.

Or at least I think he did.

Because I cried out and water fell in my eyes, making me blink profusely. Then I looked back and he was gone.

I was just missing him. My mind was just playing tricks on me. That's all it was. Right?

[miles' pov]

I heard the shower running from her room and I slowly opened her bedroom door. Our drawings were still scattered over the bed. I wanted to come get them but then I heard her speaking to someone.

Someone that wasn't Kate. Someone that isn't Kate could be a boy. Who isn't me. That's not okay.

She's mine.

I gathered the sheets of paper and went to leave but then I heard her laugh from inside the bathroom.

It made my stomach fill with butterflies. I opened the creaky door but the running water smothered the noise.

I watched as her blurred body moved around. The fog on the glass meant I couldn't see anything.

At least not the things I wanted to see. I looked down at the floor for one moment but my head snapped back up when I heard her cry out.

She had seen me. I slipped out the room while she was looking away and ran down the stairs to my room.

I got in there and leapt into my bathroom, turning on the shower. I pretend to shower until the coast was clear.

[y/n's pov]

That's it. I'm speaking to him. I can't handle this anymore, it's getting too extreme.

I got out the shower and dried off. Once I'd changed into my clothes, I dried my hair as much as I could before going downstairs to Miles' room.

I opened his door but the water in his bathroom was running. Furious, I banged on the door.

"Um hello?" His voice came from inside.

"Miles, come out."

"I'm taking a fucking shower, jeez."

Then I spotted his shadow from underneath the door.

Filled with anger, I swung the door open. There he stood, fully clothed, with our drawings in his hand.

"If you were taking a fucking shower, I wouldn't see your fucking shadow." I said, enraged.

"God, I just can't take it anymore! It's all jealousy, jealousy with you isn't it? I mean, I can't get a break! Kinsey's just a friend!" I cried.

"Wait, what did you say?" He says slowly.

"What are you talking about now?" I sighed.

"You said 'fucking' didn't you?"

"What, n-no I didn't. Shut up just leave me alone." I groan.

"Yes you did!" He laughs. "You said it!"

"Okay fine, but it was just a slip up. That wasn't me. It was a glitch." I say.

"Fine, but you still said it. And I made that happen." He says, almost happy.

"I told you I'd make it happen." He smiles, taking off his shirt.

I cry out and cover my eyes.

"Oh grow up." He says, chucking and shutting the bathroom door, presumably getting in the shower.

I end up leaving his room and going to bed, thinking about him.

Boy does he know how to confuse someone.

[chapter nine — jealousy, jealousy]

a/n — this is really bad a quick because i wrote this whole chapter over a week because my sleep schedule is all over the place.

not edited

𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐑 , miles fairchildWhere stories live. Discover now