chapter three .·:*¨༺ drivers license

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but i still
fucking love
you babe!

[y/n's pov]

I woke up with a killer headache, pounding out my brain. I searched my bad for some ibuprofen or paracetamol but I couldn't find it.

I gave up and went to see if there was any in the kitchen.

I swayed, trying to stay on my feet. My headache was getting worse and my vision was cloudy.

I think I maybe got up too fast.

Black spots blinded me and I fell over.

I'm not sure how long I was asleep for but by the time I woke up I was back in my bed. I sat up, slowly, and racked my brain for some explanation to how I got back here.

[miles' pov]

I saw her wake up and sit up in bed. I could see her confused expression but she laid back down and continued to rest.

When I was sure she was asleep, I went and put back her ibuprofen medication. I took some of her paracetamol and was worried she might notice so I didn't give them back.

Then I looked at her for a bit.

She stirred in her sleep, worrying me that she might wake up so I quickly left the room.

I walked back to my room, and it only being 11:30pm made me want to go on a walk but I knew if Mrs Grose found out she would beat my ass.

So I just laid down in bed and waited to fall asleep.

— timeskip —

The next morning I woke up and was annoyed for some unknown reason. I got up at threw on the red jumper Quint gave me.

When I got downstairs I saw Mrs Grose stare at the jumper.

"You're not supposed to wear that Miles!" Flora piped up.

Y/N sat along from her on the floor, her legs crossed.

"Why not?" She asked mindlessly.

"None of your godamn business." I blurted out. I clenched my first and bit my bottom lip to stop me from saying anything else.

Lately, it felt like someone else was saying things for me. I didn't mean to be rude it just happened.

"Sorry." I muttered a stormed out.

I ran up to my room and sat on my bean bag, strumming my guitar.

I heard the door creak open.

[y/n's pov]

I opened the door and saw Miles inside with his guitar.

"What do you want." He scoffed.

"I just wanted to see if you were alright." I said, even though I could tell he was sick of me.

"Well obviously I'm fine so can you go the fuck away!" He finally snaps and yells at me.

I shut the door, my hand trembling and my eyes filling with tears. God, I hate being sensitive.

He's just another stupid boy trying to ruin my life, it'd be better if I ignored him.

As I sat in my room I suddenly felt tiny. Like the whole room had expanded to a greater size and I was left as a speck of dust.

My neck tingled and I had the sensation someone was watching me. I whipped my head around to look for someone, maybe Flora was pranking me.

I looked behind doors and boxes but there was nothing. I left it and went back to the bed. I pulled out my book and started reading.

I read when I get nervous, it calms me and stops me from going into panic mode.

I start to bite my nails when I hear a voice.

"Didn't the old hag say that's bad for you?"

I looked up to see the curly haired boy.

"Don't call her that." I said, even though I had a very similar idea of her.

"I can call her whatever the fuck I want."

"Don't say that." I mutter.

"Say what? Fuck? Oh is small baby Y/N scared of bad words? Will Y/N get into trouble with mommy and daddy if she says that word?" He mocked me.

"Leave. Please." I say sternly.

"Whatever you need your majesty."

I roll my eyes.

Before he leaves I stop him.

"Do you have your drivers license?" I ask.

"Yeah, why?"

"Oh, I just wanted to go to town with Flora tomorrow." I smile, trying to be friends.

"Flora doesn't leave the grounds. She had everything she needs here." He snaps at me.

"Oh, but ho-"

"Don't ask questions you don't want the answers to." He said before storming out, slamming the wooden door behind him.

I clench my jaw before huffing and putting my book away.

That boy has a death wish.

[chapter three — drivers license]

no a/n

not edited

𝐒𝐎𝐔𝐑 , miles fairchildWhere stories live. Discover now