Chapter 17: Gastronomic Contest

Start from the beginning

Roon: TCH! This time you were saved.

Yuubari: (Disregarding Roon's murderous gaze) [Anyway, the next participant is the 6th Destroyer Division, an expedition specialist fleet, they are: Akatsuki, Ikazuchi, Inazuma and Hibiki]

You could see that the destroyers had horrible dark circles and their hands were also bandaged.

Ashigara: I see that they trained a lot, as I promised I will face them.

Yuubari: [And the judge for this competition is USS Enterprise, Commander Isuzu's personal secretary!]

Enterprise: (a little pale) Ah Hello!

All: (What happened to her?)

Ferre: What's wrong with Enterprise? She is very pale and has a terrified expression.

Daring: No idea.

Javelin: Oh girls, how are you?

Ferre: Oh, Javelin, Aren't you participating?

Javelin: Yes, I'm not participating, after all it would be a big problem if I end up winning, after all, I would have to cook every Friday, hehe.

Me: That's true.

Z23: If you don't know, Javelin cooks very well, she has prepared many bentos (Food) for me in the past, without a doubt she would be a very good wife in the future.

Javelin: (embarrassed laugh) You flatter me, but you talk like you're my wife.

Z23: (Giggle) Hahahaha.

Hornet: [The competition starts now!]


A shot from a volley pistol rang out and all the contestants ran into the kitchen to cook.

Javelin: Hmm, apparently they all started out with a lot of conviction, but some don't have much cooking experience.

Ferre: Many with the called, but few with the chosen.

Daring: Yes, in this competition, most of them eliminated by themselves.

With Akatsuki's team, they all work as a team, Inazuma is in charge of washing the kitchen utensils, Akatsuki and Hibiki prepare the seasoning, Ikazuchi is in charge of peeling and preparing all the vegetables.

Inazuma: We all train well, there is no way we can lose easily.

Ikazuchi: Our teamwork is impeccable.

Inazuma: How will other teams fare?

Akatsuki: No idea, but don't lose focus.

Inazuma: Yes.


Valiant: (moving the ingredients in the pot) We will definitely win with this curry soup, all the ingredients are already mixed, so ... My older sister will compliment me on my victory! (Starts to daydream)

Warspite / Queen Elizabeth: (This fool! There are no vegetables or meat in the Curry!)

QE: (I have no choice, I will have to intervene)

At that Elizabeth sneaks up on Warspite.

QE: (whisper) Warspite, Warspite.

Warspite: (shock) Your majesty?

QE: Use this, prepare all this in case of emergency.

Warspite: This was prepared by Belfast?

QE: No, I did it myself, if I said something to Belfast it is possible that she would have flatly refused.

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