Chapter 34

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D/Y/W- Dress you want

Five and I walked into the kitchen and stare at the rest of the group as I pour us coffees. I couldn't help but smile as I remember what happened around two hours ago. After talking a bit more Five and I had both decided it would be smart to get some rest and when I woke up his arms were loosely around my waist and he was smiling down at me, I really love him.

"Where's Vanya?"

"She left."

"So, what, you just let her go?"

"Well, Vanya has a lot to process."

"She'll come around and if not there is always threatening."

"What about the guys that went after her?"

"The swedes? Nobody in their right mind would go after her after that cornfield mishap plus they aren't as hard to kill as you would think."

"What you killed one?"

"Yeah well, he came after me first, and don't give me the killing is bad lecture. I already got it from the ape after it happened."

"Any idea who sent them?"

"And why would you care Lila?"

Five looks at me and smirks as I sit on the counter. He whispers 'She asks too many questions' in my ear and I nod my head for only him to see. This Lila person gets more suspicious by the minute.

"Let's just focus on what's important and that is finding dad but an important question is, how hard was the swede to kill?"

"It's like when dad would make you guys  fight against me at the umbrella academy."

"So Five can beat them? Because I've only beaten you once and I'm pretty sure that was because you pitied me."

"I'm pretty sure Fives beaten me a couple of times."

"I've beaten you seven times."

"Out of how many fights."

"This is going off-topic. We just need to find dad."

"Which for the record I already did."

"And then you lost him before we could talk to him."

"He stabbed me!"

"I'm surprised he waited this long, Diego. We have all had the urge."

I spit my coffee back in the cup and try to hide my laughter. Elliot and Lila laugh too as Five and Diego have their little staring contest. Lila brings up her hand for a, excuse the pun, high five but Five just stares at her. How does she know what a high five was? High fives were made in 1977. Five looks at me and I understand what he means.

"High five weren't made until 1977. Who is this chic?"

"I'm not sure. Commission maybe?"

"Probably. How are you feeling?"

"What do you mean?"

"With the commission and dad... Everythings just getting so stressful, and I don't want you to carry all the weight."

"Thanks, Love but I'm feeling fine, and stop feeling bad for what you said we both know you didn't mean it."

"Hello! Love birds I'm talking here and you guys are just staring at each other!"

Guess Five and I had got carried away talking to listen to Diego or we purposely ignored him. There's no proof the last statement is true though.

"We know where dad is going to be tonight."

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