Chapter 12

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Back in the past

Everyone was getting ready for the mission that was about to happen as young Allison ran down the stairs.

"Coming through!"

Allison bumps into the girl she had grown to envy the girl loved by everyone. The girl who had just left her crushes room.

"Luther's still getting..."

"Umm eight."


"I heard a rumor that you were my friend and you hate Luther."

"How will the umbrella academy ever become an effective crime deterrent if we can't even leave the house on time for missions?"

"Sorry father."

Young yn tried her best to shadow travel but landed unbalanced in Fives room. She was lucky he knew this would happen and caught her both of them looking at each other with love. As Allison couldn't find her mask, Klaus had lit his room on fire, Ben's zip was stuck and Diego had lost his knives. Yn and five only stood Infront of each other wishing nothing more but for the other to realize their feelings.

"Everyone's so..."

"Crazy unorganized, yeah."

Reginald appears at the door of the two kids but they don't feel his presence. For once the old man felt happy he felt a sense of hope. He continues walking when he hears Yn say she thinks someones watching them.

"Never mind. I must just be going crazy."

"You could pull off crazy."

"I can pull off anything."

Yn wraps her arms around her best friend's neck and laughs as the others are all still stressing about not being ready. Five simply smirks and rests his forehead on his. Little did Five and Yn know that these two movements were enough to give them a power, mind reading. The power may only work on each other but it showed the bond they had.

*Back to yn and Fives stalking*

I chose to ignore Five and throw Delores in the front seat just so I didn't have to face him. Did he really think I would be happy with him after what Luther and him said to Klaus? Why can nobody be nice to Klaus? Don't get me wrong I joke around with Klaus but never would I be so cruel as to not let him in on a family conversation. Klaus just needs help... guidance with his powers.

"We are wasting time the apocalypse is close."

"You know you don't have to tell me that. I know there are only six days left but someone choses to be a child and ignore me still."

I roll my eyes.

"This isn't getting us anywhere."

"Yeah, you got a better idea yn? Go ahead tell me."

"Fuck you and fuck the world. I'm leaving."

"No wait."

I stop but only because I see Lant.

"Look there he is, now I can go."

Before Five could say anything I had shadow traveled back to the academy. Little did I know what was going to happen next.

I lay down and grab a book to read, Vanyas book but this time I was going to read it for her writing not to get in a murderous mood. Sitting down in Fives room I try to get comfortable but I can feel the foot prints of two angry but determined strangers. You can find out a lot by the way one walks.

There were multiple bullet shots and I quickly shadow travel down to see Diego jump from level 3. I only just catch him and he smiles at me before pulling me behind a couch. I see Allison getting choked and throw fire at them.

"Who the hell are those guys?"

"More like how do we kill them!"

"Your welcome."

"I was doing fine!"

"Oh yeah your really had them."

"I did so shut up! And you wonder why dad sent you to the moon."

Two knives slip into my hands as I get ready to fight again. I run towards the bullets barley dodging them when I take the one with the pink mask on. Her partner went after the others and after what felt like five minutes I speak.


"Give up?"

I smirk and bring fire to my hand and melt her mask. She then starts to run but I wasn't far behind her until I hear,

"Hello? Guys is everyone okay? Hello? Guys."

The other person goes and hits Vanya in the back of the head.


I rush over as Luther fights the big person. Vanya will be fine hopefully.

"We just want the boy."

"You'll have to kill me to get him."

"That can be arranged."

Luther was losing and so I grab his shoulder and spin around landing on the attackers neck well repeatedly hitting him with a rock, yes I got my rock back. Luther got knocked out when and I start to hear a creek. The man used this distraction as a way to throw me to the ground beside Luther. I look up to see the chandelier about to break but I could barley move.


I push him away with my powers and take the whole weight of the chandelier. I knew Luther's monkey body could take it but I didn't want to see him hurt.


Luther pulls the chandelier off of me and I groan I could feel blood sinking up my clothes. There's something my family needs to know, the only way I can die is by one of my siblings. I groan and go to get up but let out a loud scream. I need to get this glass out of me. I look at Diego and nod which he understands pulling out the shard of glass that was stopping me from moving. I stand up and look at the rest of the glass in my body slowly taking them out as well. I look at the siblings and decide to be the first to break the awkward silence.

"I need to find five and then kill him."

"I'm coming with you."

"Luther listen to me. You are not coming"

"I never listen to you."

"I'm coming too."

I just cave in knowing the two boys won't take no as an answer. Leaving the girls in shock.

"Wait. Where's Klaus?"

"He's probably getting high in a club somewhere."

I feel bad for Klaus and I'm probably the only sibling who understands why he wants to be high all the time. I remember the first time I talked to a skeleton I couldn't sleep for weeks the man baby had to sleep with me every night to keep me calm.

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