Chapter 2

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"in 5,4,3,2. This is Jim Hellerman, reporting live for Channel 2 news outside of the capital west bank at main and sixth. A group of heavily armed men stormed the bank not three hours ago and took an unknown number of hostages."

We all watch as the reporter makes a statement and I roll my eyes. I look over at Five who was already looking at me and give him a 'please save me' face which earns a chuckle from him.

"We need a plan."

"Noooo really. Thought you would want us to just run in like headless chickens."

"Shut up Eight. I will be the main-"

"No, you won't. It won't work right and someone will get shot. Follow my plan okay?"

"Everyone get behind the counter! Now you have put me in a position that I don't want to do!" Allison starts to walk over to the man and smiles sweetly just as I planned. "Hey, get back with the others."

"I heard a rumor."


"I heard a rumor that you shot your friend in the foot."

Bang. The perfect start to a perfect plan. Down came Luther smashing another guy's head into the bench. Am I great at plans or what?

"Guns are for sissies real men throw knives!"

I appear beside another man and he held a gun to my head. I scoff at him, did he really think that gun would make him look scary? He's also holding the gun completely wrong so if he did fire the gun it could hurt him very badly.

"Men and their weapons."

"I will fire this at you!"

"Oooo I love fire."

I grab his gun and slowly watch it melt and the man stumbles back getting swallowed by the ground. I join Diego, Allison, and Luther smiling at the man on the bench.

"Get back freaks."

"Be careful there, buddy."

"Wouldn't want you to get hurt."

"Unless it was by us."

And at that Five comes in, perfect timing as always. He looks at me for a split second and my smirk grows wider.

"Or what?"

And then bullets were shot and five was gone again. The shooter continues to shoot in the one spot and the noise was starting to get on my nerves.

"Hey, dude honestly stop wasting the bullets like you waste air."

Five was now behind him with his arms crossed and the man tries to attack him with a stapler. I wave at the people behind the counter and they all shyly wave back at me.

"Ooh that's one badass stapler!"

Twirl the man's gun around my finger I smile and laugh at Five slamming the stapler into the man's head. It was funny until he started falling towards me I shadow jump behind Five who hops off the counter and reaches his arm out for me to take. I laugh a bit as his other arm wraps around the right side of my waist pulling me into him. The counter wasn't even that high Five was just being protective. Now was the crappy part of the plan.

"Come on Ben there are more guys in the vault."

Ben looks towards me and I look down wishing I could help him. He deserved so much better than this.

"I didn't sign up for this."

We all stand in a circle watching the tentacles fly everywhere and Five puts his hands in his pockets. Okay, yes I do like five but he doesn't like me and so I try my hardest to pretend the feelings are mutual.

"We have to help him somehow."

"What can we do yn?"

"Nothing Klaus. And yn don't even think about it."

"Oh go fuck Allison you asshole."

Five rubs my back and wipes a bit of blood off my cheek which makes me turn towards him. He grabs my hand and squeezes it reassuring me that Ben will be fine. Five can be such a kind person our siblings are just too annoying and stupid to be nice to. Ben walks out and I look at all the blood on him, the poor boy.

"Can we go home now?"

We walk out the back and smile well I wipe the blood off of Ben and ignore everything Reginald says. Five grabs my shoulder and whispers in my ear.

"Your going to get father mad, stop."

*Skip to staircase training*

We were all getting ready to race to the top when Luther turns to us.

"This is all about teamwork so I will lead the way."

"This is a race Luther and it's a race you will lose."

Five smirks at me and whispers,

"Team up twice the power, speed, and range."

"To see Luther mad let's give Diego and Klaus a push."

Five kisses my cheek in a friendly way.

"Deal love."

This was a nickname he had started using more and more after I told him that princesses are overrated.

Love Me Still (Five X reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें