
80 4 1

F/a stands for Favorite Animal

Status: Edited


Todoroki seems surprised that you understand him at all. You give him a toothy grin and hand him a cup of tea. He's been talking for a while- His throat must be really dry.

"I feel like I'm closer to you now, one way or another. I'm glad we had this lunch. I know you might be wondering why I-" You pause to think about how to put your thoughts into words, "I understand because I have some experiences myself."

You avoid his gaze after seeing one of his brows raise.

"Not as bad as your own, but it did happen-" You quickly explain, "I have strict parents, with zero knowledge on how to properly raise a child, and love them."

"They feel the need to find their authority in me and feel superior, so trying to convince them that I'm right in a situation never worked," You fidget with your fingers, voice quiet.

"They tend to ignore my feelings as well. My opinions."

"My mom left early for work and came back late. She traveled a lot too. My dad worked outside the country, so I barely see him. They contributed a lot and were really tired, but hid that fact from me until recently when I got into UA. THey only opened up to me after I had given up on trying to make peace with the negativity they'd show me when I was little..." You take the tea set and pour yourself a cup, feeling the warmth on your fingertips.

"At the age when I needed parents the most, I didn't have any. I was insecure, really lonely, and very self-doubting. And being in a boarding school at that time didn't help at all," You lower your eyes and stare down at the steaming liquid.

"I didn't know back then, but as I grew up and learned more about this stuff, I realized that I was going through a lot. I could say my childhood wasn't really... a childhood..." You take a sip of the tea.

"I had one mental support; this stuffed F/a my dad bought me when I was one. I bring it everywhere. I didn't realize it was so important to me until I couldn't find it once."

Thump Thump Thump.

You could feel your lips trembling, recounting your story, "Then when I started growing up, my mom decided to bring me to live with my dad, outside the country. I was introduced to a whole new world, literally. I felt like that year that I went there, was when I had only started living,"

You sigh, "I started making some friends, who eventually had to leave."

"Then there was the recent pandem-" You stop yourself, remembering that you aren't in your old world anymore, "-plans, and we moved again."

"My new classmates, during that time, were in the middle of teenage and puberty, so they bundled up together in their 'popular' groups. Either way, it probably sounds really arrogant, but none of them were really worthy of my time..."

"Then came the expectations. All of a sudden; I think it was around a few years before we moved; my parents started giving me extra work. They expected me to plan my own future at just 13, as if I really needed it all. I found no interest in anything and stalled in making any plans, resulting in many arguments; many of which usually one-sided. They'd hit me sometimes, too, when I argued back." I didn't want to put a marker on everything in my life. I wanted to let it flow naturally. Plus they never support my deicions in life anyway-"

"You're one of the top students here at U.A, there's no doubt about your capabilities," Todoroki interrupts, voice firm.

"Well, I always was the best, everywhere I went. Plus, whether I did extra work or not, they just never see the good in me," You manage a weak smile, "Maybe it's because I wasn't good or smart with my words.."

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