Chapter 40

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~ Louis' POV ~

Nine songs have played since we have been driving to Dylan's house and Harry had fallen asleep in my lap. His hand was still firmly clutching mine while he slept peacefully, I was gently stroking his cheek and smiling down at him, I was so happy that he was here with me. 

Even though he was trying as hard as he could to pull away from me, I wasn't going to let him. Harry belongs with me and he knows it too, no matter how much he tries to tell me with words that we shouldn't be together; his body says something different. 

The image of him flinching away from my touch kept playing in my head on a loop, I was worried that he would do it again when I tried to hold his hand but he didn't, instead he gave me a sad smile but I can feel that he wants my contact its obvious from how hard he is gripping onto my hand right now, even in his sleep. 

I leaned down and placed a soft kiss on his forehead, I really just wanted to hold him close and cover his entire face with kisses to make up for these three days I have spent longing to feel his skin on mine, I hope he allows me to do that when he wakes up. 

Tearing my eyes away from Harry and up to the road to see where we were, I mean we've been driving for ages now where does Dylan even live Narnia or Moordoor? Its taking too long to get there but at the same time I kind of like this limbo we were in and hoped the car ride never ended. 

Because when it did then Harry and I would have to actually talk about everything and he was going to go back to trying to push me away with his words, while drawing me back in with his body; it was like a weird tug of war and I hated it.

What I couldn't figure out was, why did Dylan do all this? I have been nothing but a complete dick to him because lets face it; I am jealous of anyone that gets close to Harry. So why was he being nice to me when he had nothing to gain from it?

"Why are you helping me?" I asked and Dylan looked at me through the rearview mirror for a few seconds before answering. 

"I'm not helping you, I'm helping Harry." he stated and lowered the volume of the extremely depressing music. 

That didn't really answer my question now did it you cryptic bastard. 

"Why?" I pressed and heard him sigh in annoyance. 

"He reminds me of my brother, when I first met Harry that night when he fell off his bike I never meant to befriend him." he paused and frowned for a few seconds before continuing. "But when we sat down on that bench, I saw something in his eyes that I had seen before and I had promised myself that if I ever saw someone with that look in their eyes again I would help them, whoever they were." 

Not knowing what to say I stayed quiet looking at him through the rearview mirror, there was a certain sadness etched into his face and my view of him was starting to change, Dylan has been nothing but kind to Harry. 

Niall told me that he would call him every single day when we weren't together to check up on him, even if their conversations weren't long he always made sure that they spoke at least once a day. He would even go as far as calling Niall when Harry wouldn't pick up the phone so he could make sure he was okay. Back then that really pissed me off but now I am actually kind of grateful that he did that. 

"I know you don't like me, I cant for the life of me figure out why you hate me so much but whatever, I just want you to know that I would never do anything to hurt Harry, he may not be blood but he is family." He said while keeping his eyes on the road ahead.

Well I feel like a fucking dick right now, I've been hating on the only other person in Harry's life that actually gives a crap about him. What's even worse is that this idiot hasn't retaliated at all, he never shoots me daggers, never tells me to fuck off, nothing he just shrugs everything I do off and carries on, barring the odd snide remark here and there of course.

Across the Hall | L.SNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ