Chapter 7

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~ Harry' POV ~

The rest of the week went by quite quickly, not skipping classes really does make the time here go by faster who knew? And it has kept me occupied; obviously I skipped swimming for the rest of the week not wanting to flaunt the hickeys I had on my body. 

I did go to my english and maths lessons but he who must not be named didn't turn up to those lessons, I'm pretty sure he is avoiding me because I've only seen him a couple of times these past few days and I have usually had Gabi next to me so he shot me an angry look and walked in the opposite direction. 

But today is Saturday, Niall woke me up this morning at ten am even though we don't have classes and literally nowhere to go, apparently there is a party happening somewhere and he wants to go. 

"Niall I really really just want to stay in bed, take Zayn with you" I grumbled into my pillow then turned to face him, he was of course not laying in his own bed no that would be crazy, he was in mine because his is too far away if we want to talk. 

"Come on Harry please come please, you know Gabi is going..." I lifted my face from the now warm pillow due to me breathing into it and gave him a flat faced look while he wiggled his brows at me as if what he had just said would be the reason I wanted to go. 

I would actually like a break from the girl, don't get me wrong she's lovely; but she has been hanging around me like a bad smell for the past three days and I would just like a few hours to myself. It's kind of one of the reasons i really don't want to go to that party. 

The begging went on for another half an hour till I finally gave in and said yes to going, I'm a pushover I know. Somehow I also agreed to drive there as well; not sure how that exactly happened but it did and I cant go back on my word now. 

 After Niall had called Zayn asking him to bring us food because I wasnt quite ready to leave my cave and Niall didn't want to go by himself, Zayn had brought over a trolley filled with all the food Niall requested. 

He had to text him a list because it was too much to remember


So there i was driving to a party I didn't want to go to with Niall in the passenger seat singing his heart out to Hooked On A Feeling, that was blasting through my car speakers because we had watched Guardians of the Galaxy earlier and the song was stuck in his head, it was driving a little insane. Zayn, Luke and Calum were also in the car with us all in a fit of laughter due to the annoying blonde sat next to me.

Yeah sure its funny for five minutes but when youve been listening to him do this for four hours it starts to be less funny and more 'im going to smother you in your sleep if you dont stop'.

They had all had pre-drinks while everyone got ready so they were all pretty drunk except me because I was driving, I'm convinced that Niall only wanted me to come along so I would drive them even though every single person in this car also has their own. 

We finally arrived at the party that was being held in the woods and not at someones house like I had been expecting, what if we get mauled by a bear? Are there bears in California... I feel like that is information I should know if I'm going to be in the woods, at night or at all.

Parking the car the singing finally stopped, thank you Jesus, the four other boys and I all made our way into the woods where there were lots of teenagers dancing, talking or just shouting at each other, there was a bonfire in the middle that gave the area a warm orange glow. 

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