Chapter 2

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~ Harry's POV~

"Um what was all that about?" I ask Niall with furrowed brows but instead of answering me he just rolls his eyes and turns to walk down the hallway the same way we came in so without much of a choice I follow him. 

When we reach the door to the outside he scans his fob to open the door and we exit, still not saying a word he begins walking down a pathway next to the dorms building and we reach a big lot that's filled with expensive flashy cars. 

There are allot of Range Rovers here fuck. 

I feel like my mother should've at least given me a clue to what color the car was or she could've written the registration number on the note she left me, now I've got to go around looking like a complete idiot clicking the unlock button next to every car until I find the one that belongs to me. 

"So which ones yours" Niall turns and raises his brows at me, he probably thinks I'm a complete weirdo for not knowing which car is mine. 

"yeah about that... I'm not really sure" I tell him shrugging and scrunching my face hoping he isn't going to run away and tell the whole school what a freak the new kid is but to my surprise he doesn't run away instead he starts laughing and comes over to me taking the key from my hand and starts skipping down the parking lot aiming the key at all the Rovers till he hears the chirp. 

Once I heard the chirping of the car lock I jogged over to where the blonde boy was standing grinning like a madman. I hold out my hand for the key so I can drive us to get lunch but his grin changes to a small smirk. 

"So since I found the car does that mean I get to drive?" he says wiggling his brows at me making me grin. 

"I'm not really sure that's how it works Niall, its still my car you know?" I correct him but deep down I know if he asks again I'll end up giving in, I've always been a little bit of a pushover if I'm honest. 

"You know they drive on the other side of the road over here right? so for our safety I think I should drive until you get comfortable on the road." he gives me a look of fake concern and places his hand on his chest, I roll my eyes but nod and get into the passenger seat. 

Niall gets into the drivers side smiling big in victory, he does have a small point about the other side thing; the whole time I've lived over here in the states I haven't once driven anywhere. Actually I have barely left our grounds because I don't know anyone so where would I go and when I have left there has always been a driver available to take me to my destination. 

Niall wastes no time in connecting his phone to the Bluetooth in the car and music starts blaring out of the speakers as he starts driving off the lot then out of the school grounds but when we get to the gates that lead to the outside world he opens the drivers side window and scans his fob. 

What's with all these little checkpoints everywhere that are only opened with the fobs, its a little weird. 

"Give me your fob I have to scan you out as well." he says holding out his hand and I give him a confused look.


"These fobs are how they keep track of everyone, its how they know if you are where you're supposed to be and if you don't scan it then you get detention not to mention you cant really go anywhere because everything is locked." he shrugs like its no big deal. 

Kind of feels like prison but okay...

I hand him my fob, once he scans it the gates open and he drives us out of the grounds towards the town I assume since I have never actually been here before; after about ten minutes driving and some very loud singing coming from his side of the car he parks and we exit the vehicle. 

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