Chapter 1

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~Harry's POV~

After double checking all my bags and making sure I have everything I need to take with me I set them by my bedroom door and take one last look at the room ive called home for the last three weeks and sigh. 

Today is the day I start my new school. My mum met some CEO of a very wealthy company while she was waiting tables at her old job and they just seemed to fall in love, they got married within two months of knowing each other and we moved into his ridiculously large mansion shortly after. 

Even though Stephen knew my mum had a seventeen year old son he still made the decision to be with her but what I didn't know was that id be ripped away from my life and shipped off to a boarding school where I will have to basically live till its a break like Christmas where I'm allowed to come home. 

Dont get me wrong I'm happy that my mum has found someone that makes her happy and can give her the life she deserves, we struggled allot when my father deserted us but I do wish I didn't have to be so far away from her for such a long period of time just for school; especially when this is my last year. 

A knock on my door rips me away from my thoughts. "Mr Styles may I take your bags to the car now?" the butler or as he likes to be called 'house manager' Alan asks. I give him a nod in reply so he grabs my two suitcases and throws my duffel bag across his body to take them down to the town car that is waiting to drive me to my new school. 

I wish my mum was the one driving me but Stephen has taken her on a fancy couples weekend away so she said her goodbyes this morning before leaving me alone in this strange house that I'm still not quite used to but I guess I won't have time to get used to now anyway since I won't be living here anyway. 

With that thought I make the decision to leave the unfamiliar room and make my way through the obnoxiously large house to the driveway where the black town car is waiting for me. 

The driver opens the door to the backseat of the luxurious car and I step in, buckle my seatbelt and pull out my phone so I can listen to music during the drive since its going to be a long three hours till we arrive at Repton Academy. 

I have a feeling that this school is going to be filled with entitled rich kids, someone who I'm definitely not. I didn't grow up with money even though now I have more than I know what to do with; Stephen gave me an American Express Black card and said that I could buy whatever I wanted with it as there is no limit on it. 

I haven't used said card yet because I haven't really had the need to but its nice to have there for emergencies I guess. I really miss my friends back in England and it sucks that my mum of course just had to fall in love with an American and made us move across the bloody world. 


Finally arriving at the prestigious Repton Academy, my driver opens the door for me and then proceeds to walk towards the trunk of the car to retrieve my bags while I take in my surroundings. This place kind of looks like Hogwarts with the tall old castle like buildings and spacious grounds. 

The grass is cut to perfection and a bright shade of green, there are various students in their uniform littering the area in front of the school. that's another thing im not too thrilled about; the uniform here is a bit excessive. I'm used to wearing a uniform but it was only black slacks and a blue polo and jumper for my old school back in England where as at Repton, the uniform consists of a white button up shirt, black slacks, a V-neck dark blue sweater, a black tie with the school colours green and yellow striped through and of course a black blazer. 

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