Merlin x Stiles

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  Stiles sighs as he sits down on Derek's couch during the weekly pack meeting, hes exhausted emotionally, and physically. 

 "Stiles bud you ok?" Scott asks making everyone but jackson to look at Stiles. 

  "Yeah i'm fine Scotty boy, just tired" stiles sighs out snuggling into the corner of the sofa. 

  "Ok we need you too look up magic users that use spells out loud" Derek orders the pack human. 

 Stiles snaps up and looks at them in shock, "You mean sorcerers?" stiles asks in doubt. 

 "A sorcerer? you already know?" Peter asks slinking towards the human. 

 "Yes I have done research over some supernaturals a couple months ago" Stiles says eyeing peter up out self preservation. 

 "Hmm I think there's more then that" Peter says staring stiles down, making stiles's magic go into hyperdrive. 

 "Yes well there's not" stiles say. 

 "Hmm your heart tells otherwise" Peter smirks, getting closer to stiles. 

 "Yes well I also have a MURDER WEREWOLF TRYING TO GET CLOSE TO ME" Stiles yells lurching forward to stand up. 

 "Peter-" Derek starts seeing the smirk on his uncles face. 

 "There's something your not telling us stiles" Peter says jumping at stiles making stiles's magic go haywire, Stiles's eyes flash a gold color and Peter and everyone else around him is thrown back with stiles's magic. Everyone groans and gets up slowly, flashing their eyes in stiles direction, stiles freaking out about showing his magic, runs as fast as he can out of the loft and down to his jeep. The pack all run after him, but stop when they see the blue jeep flying out of the drive way. 

 "stiles has magic.." Scott says trailing off, not believing what happened. 

 "Knew it" Peter says making everyone glare at him. 

 Stiles quickly runs into his room to grab mountain ash, and he uses it to make a circle around his house. 

 "I can't believe I did that" Stiles mutters to himself in self loathing, his attention snaps to his phone ringing, knowing what is about to happen just ignores it. The pack shouldn't know he has magic, no one should. Stiles throws himself onto his bed face first, he misses Merlin, Arthur, even dare he say Morgana. 

 Stiles doesn't realize he fell asleep until he hears his alarm go off the next day, opting out of going to school he uses his magic and makes it break into pieces. He hears a noise outside of his house in the backyard, thinking it was one of the pack members he ignores it, well until he hears a familiar british/irish accent yell out his name from a long long long time ago. Stiles jumps up and practically throws himself down the stairs and through the back door, he pauses when he sees Merlin brushing himself off. 

 "Merlin?" He asks tearing up a little not that he would admit that later. 

 "Mischief" Merlin gasps running to his boyfriend, "I've missed you my dragon!" He all but yells into stiles's ear. 

 "I missed you to my emrys" Stiles whispers, now balling his eyes out into Merlins shoulder. 

  "oh dragon..." Merlin whispers hugging stiles tighter, rubbing his back softly. "im here" he reminds him, not wanting his Mischief to be sad.  

 "I...i've been so alone these years, I didn't have you nor my siblings by my side Merlin..." He sobs into Merlins shoulder. 

 "Its okay now, Arthur he has rose again in the very forest near here, Mischief" Stiles sobers up, and looks up at Merlin. 

 "My brother is back?" Stiles asks. 

 "Yes, come it might help having an extra sorcerer with me, or make it worse" Merlin says starting to talk to himself, stiles just giggles and grabs Merlins hand. 

 "Come let's go get my prat of a brother"

The couple walk into the forest towards the Nameton, stiles seeing his brothers body on the stump he drops Merlins hand and runs towards him. 

 "Arthur! ARTHUR"  

 Arthur groans and rolls over to see his younger brother running towards him, he slowly sits up just to be tackled back down, he groans out in pain but Mischief doesn't care. 

 "I've missed you brother" Mischief mutters making Arthur smiles slightly. 

 "I've missed you too brother" 

 "Welcome back Sire" Merlin says from the side of the brothers. 

 "good to be back Merlin" Arthur says as stiles breaks from the hug allowing the King and his servant to hug.

 Merlin pushes Arthur to stiles and his eyes flare gold, "There's a pack heading this way". 

 Stiles's eyes widen, "That's my idiotic pack". 

 The pair just turn and look at him as if he was stupid, "What! I was bored". 

"STILES" Scott yells when he sees his best friend next too two guys he's never met. 

 "Scott" Stiles greets standing up. 

 "Whose this stiles?" Lydia asks confused. 

 "You DA-" 

 "Arthur shut up" stiles grits out already done with his brother. 

Arthur turns to his brother hurt, then looks at Merlin for help, he just shrugs. 

 "I Am ki- Arthur, and this is my ma- this is Merlin" Arthur introduces 

"what are your parents history freaks?" Jackson asks. 

"why you insolent cockroach" Arthur hisses, making stiles laugh. 

 "Shut up Arthur, reintroduce yourself" Stiles says glaring at his brother. 

"I am King Arthur of Camelot, and this is my Mans-Servant Merlin" Arthur says looking the pack up and down. 

 "Wait like THE Merlin and King Arthur?" Lydia asks in awe 

 "Yes exactly" Stiles says stepping in front of Arthur when he notices the look on Peters face. 

 "That would make you Morgana's full brother" Peter says making everyone look at him in confusion. 

 "You would be correct Peter" Stiles says with a nod, "I am Prince Mischief of Camelot, Morganas Twin, brother of King Arthur". 

 The pack's jaws drop, finally jackson burst out laughing. "There's no way, prove it, how do we even know if those are the true Merlin and Arthur". 

 Merlin's eyes flash gold and a root picks jackson up from his foot and hangs him upside down, "I do not appreciate you disrespecting my prince and King" Merlin hisses. Arthur's hand goes to the sword on his hip, "How dare you disrespect nobility". 

 "Your....Your actually the Merlin and Arthur" Jackson says in shock. 

 "Yes you imbecile!" Arthur yells. 

 The pack all watch in shock, "Would that mean That stiles is a sorcerer like Merlin?" Scott asks. 

 "Stiles?" Arthur asks.

 "Me, and yes it does" Stiles says. 

Merlin, Arthur, and Mischief ended up leaving beacon hills after that, to find the others that were resurrected. They found Gwaine, Gwen and lancelot, the pack never heard from them ever again. They were heartbroken over it but shortly got over it once they slowly pushed stiles to the back of their minds, Merlin and Mischief ended up getting married as did Arthur and Gwen for the second time. 

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