Chapter 47

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"He won't feed my kid cat food, right?" Mingyu asked Joshua anxiously as he watched Jun and Jinwoo 'meow' at each other

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"He won't feed my kid cat food, right?" Mingyu asked Joshua anxiously as he watched Jun and Jinwoo 'meow' at each other. Joshua stayed silent for a few seconds causing Mingyu to have a minor panic attack.

"Well, we don't have cat food at home" Joshua tried to reason while Jun had proceeded to freak out over how cute Jinwoo was. "I should've just left him with my parents" Mingyu spoke to himself even though he knew Joshua heard.

"Let me just motivate him not to mess this up" Jeonghan watched the whole scene play out in front of him while he sat beside Jun and Jinwoo with a smile on his face.

"Junie, if we are the best babysitters this weekend, then we can consider having a child, maybe" Jun's head shot up as he tried to process what Joshua just said.

"Did you say baby?" Jun asked excitedly before standing up to hug Joshua. "I said maybe not a baby and by a child, I meant a cat" Jun seemed even happier at this and flung himself onto Joshua.

"Only if you prove to me that you'll be the best dad" Jeonghan let out a chuckle watching the clear manipulation that he had so effortlessly influenced Joshua to perform.

"I'll be the best dad, watch me" Jun said proudly as he turned to play with Jinwoo again. Mingyu looked more relaxed as he went to take Jeonghan's hand.

"We don't have to do this. Let's take Jinwoo with us then?" Jeonghan said, just as reluctant as Mingyu to leave Jinwoo behind. "No, we can't do. This weekend is all for us. Parenting is fun but I want you all to myself without sharing" Jinwoo grabbed Jeonghan's hand at that statement-making both of them laugh.

"Fine I'll share with you, Mr Kim" Mingyu reluctantly agreed as an accomplished smile spread across Jinwoo's face. "No cat food!" Mingyu announced before walking out, glaring at Jun and shutting the door behind him.

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