Chapter 37

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"Dummy is a word!" Jinwoo huffed as he refused to let Jeonghan remove the tiles from the scrabble board

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"Dummy is a word!" Jinwoo huffed as he refused to let Jeonghan remove the tiles from the scrabble board. "I don't remember teaching you that word though" Jeonghan covered his mouth in mock surprise as Mingyu watched the pair bicker.

"Let's ask your appa who's right?" Suddenly all eyes were on Mingyu, who just blinked at his sudden predicament. "I think Jinwoo is right" Jeonghan pretended to be offended but internally swooned at how Jinwoo went to hug Mingyu.

"Now look at that, leaving me out of the hug" Jeonghan teased but squealed when Mingyu pulled him in. Jeonghan's eyes widened at the sudden show of affection but soon relaxed.

It had been a few weeks since they sorted everything out, and Jeonghan had been spending most of his days with the father-son duo. Mingyu and Jinwoo's relationship had gotten significantly better. Mingyu was no longer afraid to show affection to the child.

"I better get going" Jeonghan said, walking over to grab his coat. "Why don't you stay here, teacher Yoon? You can sleep in appa's room" Jinwoo piped up, stopping both Mingyu and Jeonghan in their tracks.

"That's- no, it's okay" Jeonghan tried to excuse himself, but Mingyu spoke up this time. "There's a guest room. You can stay here. It's already late" Jeonghan contemplated the horrible idea but finally caved.

"I don't see why not" Jeonghan replied in a quiet voice as he made his way back to the living room. "And before you worry about things like mouthwashes and toothbrushes, there's everything in the guest room, and you can always borrow my clothes" Mingyu assured with a smile.

"Now you're making your house sound like a hotel" Jeonghan laughed as he was led to one of the many bedrooms. "You can always stay in my room if you want to feel more domestic" Mingyu didn't know where the confidence was coming from but he didn't regret it.

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