Chapter 28

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Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

"I hate it. Why is he back as that asshole self again!?" Jeonghan ranted while stuffing chips in his mouth. "Can you two stop making out and listen to me!" Jeonghan exclaimed, finally getting the couple's attention.

"Baby, you heard him" Soonyoung detached himself from Wonwoo, who just stared at him with an annoyed look on his face. "Why is Jeonghan here anyway?" Wonwoo mumbled as he went to steal the chips from the boy getting glares in return.

"I'm talking about your old best friend, and you can't even stop sucking his face and listen!?" Wonwoo tensed as he looked at him in confusion. "Mingyu?" Jeonghan rolled his eyes as Wonwoo stated the obvious.

"As I've been saying for the past ten minutes, I met him today" Soonyoung had joined the conversation while placing himself on Wonwoo's lap. "Was it romantic? How did you meet? Did you fall into his arms and all that since you've been waiting for him to come back?" Soonyoung asked as he sipped his coffee.

"No, it wasn't Kwon Soonyoung. Our conversation consisted of him being ignorant towards his son, screaming at me for calling him out for being a shit dad! Oh, and the conversation ended at the mention of his late wife" Wonwoo and Soonyoung blinked in unison, not knowing how to process the information.

"He's my student's father, and I had to go see him to talk about Jinwoo" Jeonghan added the critical information to make it more understandable. "He had no emotion whatsoever when he saw you?" Wonwoo asked, causing Jeonghan's heart to sink.

"None" Jeonghan took another chip from Wonwoo's grasp as he face planted himself on the table. "I have to go back there again, not for him or me but for that kid he can't seem to be a father to. I have no choice but to go back" Jeonghan said as he tried to forget everything that Mingyu was to him once.

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