Fluff, Skizz & Impulse - Purrrfect Prank (Boo'ed! 👻)

Start from the beginning

"I don't know..." Impulse murmured. Something felt... wrong.

"Aw, come on. I need to know now!" Skizz said, reaching for it. "Besides, I doubt Scar would give us something harmful."

Impulse stepped back, pulling the jar just out of Skizz's reach. "Scar doesn't know what he's doing half the time, especially not messing with magic!"

"Have some faith in the guy!" Skizz retorted, stepping forward and trying to grab at the jar again.

As Impulse tried to jerk his hands back, the glass slipped from his grip. Both winced at the following crash, the jar shattering on impact with the floor. A cloud of pale purple powder surrounded them, and they broke into coughing fits as they inhaled it. Excruciating pain spiked through Impulse's body. He dropped to the ground, struggling to breathe. Darkness clouded his vision, and his eyes fluttered closed, his world soon going black.

He didn't know how long he was out. All he knew was that when he opened his eyes again, he saw Skizz lying next to him on the floor, slowly waking up as well. That should've been a reassurance, but before he could even begin to let out a sigh of relief, his breath hitched again. Triangle-shaped, furry ears twitched on his head, and a long, dark-furred tail rested against his leg.

"Oh my god, Skizz..." he breathed. 

Skizz glanced at Impulse, concern growing in his eyes as he recognized the alarm in Impulse's quiet tone. "What?"


"I'm what?" Skizz demanded. "Dipple Dop, you're scaring me-"

"You're a cat," Impulse managed. 

"I'm what?" Skizz asked again, though this time it held disbelief as he sprang to his feet, feeling his head and pulling his tail where he could see it. "Holy crap- I am a cat!"

Impulse pushed himself to his feet, and he heard Skizz gasp. "What?"

"You are too!" 

"I- oh no-" Impulse flicked his tail, the same brown as his hair, and twitched his ears. "Skizz..."

"I think we know what that 'purrfect surprise' was now," Skizz muttered.

"What do we do? We can't stay like this! What will the other Hermits think?" Impulse worried.

"I don't know, dude... but I actually think it's kinda cute."


Before Impulse could protest, he felt a hand in his hair, gently scratching behind his new feline ears. All his voluntary movement froze, but unconsciously he leaned into Skizz's touch. Soft rumbles began to escape his throat, and he realized he was purring

"And just like that, it got even cuter," Skizz said warmly. 

Curiousness overtook Impulse, and he reached up to scratch Skizz's ear. He received a similar response to his own and couldn't help a smile. It was really cute, and Skizz's deep purrs were soothing, allowing Impulse to relax, if only for a moment.

"Seriously, man..." Impulse sighed, pulling his hand back. "We need to talk to Scar or something. Figure out what that magic dust did to us."

Reluctantly, Skizz nodded. "I guess you're right..." 

Briefly, he twined his tail with Impulse's, then pulled away. Slipping on their elytras, the two headed out of the factory, off to find a certain wizard salesman.


Scar was incredibly easy to find and seemed unsurprised to see them, almost as if he'd been waiting for them. He met them outside with a wide grin, his jade eyes sparkling as he spotted their feline traits. "Ah, Impulse! Skizzleman! Welcome to the Swaggon! Aren't you two looking adorable?"

"Uh- yeah. We were coming to ask you about that, actually," Impulse said.

"Oh?" Scar hummed, sitting down on one of the smaller Swaggons and crossing his legs. "Of course. Ask away, ask away!"

"So... that dust," Skizz said. "What effect did it have, exactly?"

"Straight to the point, I see," Scar quipped. "Well... it turned you both into catboys. Temporarily, of course, though sadly. You two are quite cute like this."

"What are you talking about? We were cute before," Skizz said jokingly.

Impulse rolled his eyes. "In your dreams," he jested quietly. Before Skizz could even open his mouth to shoot a reply, he rushed on. "How long does this catboy thing last, if it's temporary?" 

"Just until the end of Halloween." Scar grinned, enjoying the horrified looks he got in return. "Hey, at least I'm being merciful and not making it forever! You both deserve this after that prank you pulled on me last week!" 

Impulse groaned, just imagining how much fun the rest of Boatem would have with this, especially since they all loved cats. "I hate you, Scar."

Scar chuckled. "Naww, you'll get over it! Now if you'll excuse me, I have a business to attend to."

"Hold on a minute," Skizz began as Scar stood up and spread his elytra wings.

"Enjoy being cats! Goodbye!" Scar said hurriedly as he fired a rocket and soared away.

"Scar!" Skizz yelled. "Get back here!"

There was no response from the merchant, who soon vanished into the distance. Sighing, Impulse exchanged a glance with Skizz.

"Well... what do you wanna do now?" Skizz asked him.

"Curl up somewhere and hide," Impulse muttered, earning a laugh from Skizz.

"I don't know about hiding, but I'd be up for a catnap."

Impulse chuckled. "Sure. And when we wake up, we plot our revenge."

Skizz clapped his hands. "Ooh, yes! I like the sound of that."

Grinning, the duo returned to their base. As they curled up together in the bedroom of the factory, they couldn't help giving each other a few playful ear scratches and head rubs, enjoying the sound of the other's purrs.

Oh, Impulse still wanted to get back at Scar for turning them into cats. But at the same time, as he snuggled against Skizz, purrs vibrating in his chest, he decided that it maybe wouldn't be all bad.

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