Angst, Tango x Vampire!Etho - Vampiric Glitches

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I'm sorry not sorry for this one. It's mostly angst and kind of creepy, but there's some fluff at the end. Another Hermitcraft AU and mostly self-indulgent, but I had a lot of fun writing it. 

Obviously a warning for vampire stuff, it doesn't get too crazy but it's there.

For those of you who are ready for more fluff, I've got some cute requests from the amazing Shashira2827 on the way, so just hold tight ;)

"We have an issue."

Xisuma's gaze swept over the assembled Hermits. Tango shifted uncomfortably in his spot, wondering what was going on. The admin had randomly told them to gather at the Town Hall a little while ago. He gave no context, and his voice was as calm as ever, but Xisuma didn't normally call meetings with no warning, and every Hermit could sense something was up.

"There's been a glitch," Xisuma went on. "But this time, I can't tell what it is to fix it. It's either minor or hiding somehow. Although I hope it's the former, I'm thinking it's more the latter...either way, you all need to keep an eye out for anything strange. It could be anything, including potentially harmful things, so we have to be careful until we know what it is."

Uneasy murmurs passed through the crowd of Hermits. Tango glanced at Impulse and Etho next to him. Impulse had a mixture of curiosity and concern in his gaze, and Etho seemed a bit uneasy but calm at the same time.

"I know no one has any real idea, but what do you guys think it is?" Tango asked them.

"It could be anything if Xisuma doesn't even know..." Impulse murmured. "I have no idea."

"Hopefully it's not anything too bad, but we'll see I guess," Etho said.

"Yeah," Tango sighed.

After more fruitless discussion about what it could be, the Hermits returned to their bases. By then the sun was beginning to sink, and Tango was more than ready to curl up in bed. He put the last few blocks away from finishing a build, then slipped into the sheets, sighing as he let himself relax. Still, no one had found the glitch Xisuma had talked about, but nothing had been affected either. Everyone was beginning to think it was just a minor issue.

Beeping from Tango's communicator woke him up not long after he'd fallen asleep. Letting out a yawn, shortly followed by a growl of annoyance when the communicator wouldn't shut up, he snatched it off the table and began reading the chat to see what was going on.

Ren: What's up my dude?
Grian: Why are we being woken up before it's even midnight, come on guys

That piqued Tango's curiosity, all sleepiness fading. If Impulse was as scared as he seemed, it didn't sound like the glitch was something minor either.

Tango: What is it?!?

Tango had to do a double-take, and still the sentence made zero sense.

Tango: What?!
Ren: Dude what?
Impulse: He jumped out of nowhere and started attacking me, then while we were fighting he tried to bite me with like vampire fangs or something??
Mumbo: :0
Xisuma: Meet at Impulse's base everyone.

His heart beginning to pound, Tango shot out of bed. He spread his wings and jumped into the sky, beginning to fly to Impulse's base. He was worried about both of his friends--Impulse, who seemed to be in trouble; and Etho, who for some reason was attacking Impulse. His communicator fell silent halfway there, increasing Tango's worry, and he couldn't get to Impulse's base soon enough.

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