🌔 Ep.1: Tourist Trap 🌔

Comenzar desde el principio

Behind us was the handyman of the shack who went by Soos. "Uh, also not it."

"Nobody asked you, Soos."

"I know, and I'm confortable with that." Soos continued to eat his chocolate bar.

Stan then turned to a teenage girl with long red hair. "Wendy, I need you to put up this sign!"

Without looking up from her phone, she weakly reached over. "I would but I- ugh- can't- ugh- reach it- ugh."

"I'd fire all of you if I could." Stan replied with an expressionless face, then turned to me. "Alright let's make it: eeny meeny miny, you."

"Aw, what? Grunkle Stan, whenever I'm in those woods I feel like I'm being watched."

"Oi, this again." Stan pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance.

But I stood my ground. "I'm telling you, something weird is going on in this town! Just today my mosquito bites spelled out BEWARE!"

I raised my sleeve and showed him my arm, to which he leaned down to read. "... That says BEWARB."

Scratching the bites in my arm, I looked away in embarrassment as Stan continued to speak. "Look, kid, the whole 'monsters in the forest'thing is just local legend dumped up by guys like me to sell merch to guys like that." He nodded at a man laughing at a Stan bobblehead, then threw the signs at me, which I almost dropped. "So quit being so paranoid."

Before I could wallow in self pity, however, the front door swung open, and the only thing that was seen was large boxes with legs underneath, followed by a voice. "Mr. Pines, where'd you say you wanted me to leave these at?"

"Over here, kid." Stan tapped the end of the counter, to which the person walked over and placed the boxes down.

He was a young boy, around my age it seemed, though a little taller than me. His hair was (h/l) and (h/c), with wide (e/c) eyes and (s/c) skin. Once the boxes were down, he wiped a bit of sweet off his forehead, letting out a sigh.

Mabel's eyes lit up as soon as she saw him. "Who is that..?!"

"Oh boy."

Before I could stop her, Mabel hid behind the counter, only to pop out from above. "Hello!!!"

"AH-" The boy jumped back, eyes widened from shock, though soon calming down. "Uh- hi....?"

"How crazy seeing you here even though I've never seen you here!! I'm Mabel!!"

He looked down at the hand she offered and awkwardly shook it, an eyebrow raised. "I'm (y/n)."

"Mabel, leave him alone!" I scolded as I walked over, letting out a sigh. "I'm sorry about my sister, she has no filter."

"Hey!" Mabel puffed her cheeks in frustration, though to my surprise, (y/n) let out a small laugh.

"It's fine, don't worry about it. You guys are my boss's niece and nephew, right?"

"Yep!! We're gonna be staying here the entire summer!! Isn't it amazing?!" She asked as she leaned closer to him, making him back away.

"G-guess so."

After rolling my eyes, I grabbed Mabel's arm with my free hand as I balanced the signs on my other, pulling her back. "Mabel, that's enough!"

"I'm just getting to know him!"

"Do you need help with those?" He pointed at the signs I held, making me fix their position a bit so they'd be easier to hold.

"No, I'm okay, just wish I had gotten a choice in the matter."

🌓 Inhuman (Gravity Falls Dipper x Reader) 🌗Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora