Important update!

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Please read!

So hey guys! I'm sorry, but there will not be a new chapter of Facing Your Demons tomorrow like there usually is. This week a t school there was a state standardized test and the day today was crazy and my cat is having some health issues and I just got Reddit plus with all the craziness of a new fandom and just school in general. I am so sorry again to not be able to upload tomorrow it's just that there's a lot going on and a lot more that I'm thinking about.

However, I do promise that next Wednesday there WILL in fact be an update and I'm thinking about naming someone as a Wattpad manager or something, just a person who reminds me that I need to update and what schedule I have set up and stuff like that, so if you are interested just please let me know in the messaging here on Wattpad or the comment section on this chapter.

Bye, and I will see you in the next chapter! Thanks for reading!

Facing your demonsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon