Double Danger Day

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"What....?" I asked, trying to get my brain to process what he had just said.

It wouldn't. I pulled away from him and looked him in the eyes.

He had tears streaming down his face now. I completely understood why, as I was crying too.

"Kokichi, I've been trying my hardest to stay calm about this and to understand, but it's really hard. I don't want to know what's happening to my friends but be unable to stop it."

"I-I know. It is hard. B-But-" I stuttered, trying to calm my beating heart.

"Why did you tell me?" He asked me. He was looking me directly in the eyes.

"I.... I don't actually know. I just...." I looked away, unable to look him in the eyes as I answered his question, "I guess I just thought I owed you one."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you did kinda help me survive in the class trials, especially when everyone thought it was me, so I thought I'd tell you part of the truth in return."

"Oh," he said, looking down and thinking. His tears had dried to his face by now.

I don't know why but part of me felt different. For the past week or so, I had been worrying about Mr. Hopp and the entity, everyone disappearing, another killing happening, and the dumbness of all of my idiot classmates. But now I didn't feel that.

I felt.... Happy.... Calm... I felt feelings I hadn't experienced in who knows how long.

It felt good.

It felt even better when I leaned over to Shumai and gently kissed him on the cheek. He looked at me in surprise and blushed.

I blushed too after realizing what I did.

We just stayed frozen like that for a moment, then we burst out in laughter all of a sudden.

We laughed for a good second but stopped as the whole building shook.

It was as if the Earth had taken a big fat burp.

(Y'all I'm writing this in school rn and there's a weird metal shelf thing stabbing me in the back and a bunch of kids whistling lmao)

(Someone help)

"What was that?!" Shuichi yelled.

Shuichi ran out of the door and I followed him.

We ran to the dining hall, assuming that's where everyone was. They were.

"What the hell is going on?!" Kaito yelled at me.

I froze. This hadn't happened before.

The entity was getting mad because I wouldn't join him.

"How do we stop this?!" Maki yelled at me.

"I-I don't know..." I lied.

Apparently I didn't do a good job.

"Now's not the time to be lying you lying little abortion!" Miu yelled at me.

"There's one way I know of to stop it, but it can't be done. It just can't. We'll have to find a different way," I said.

"Well, at least tell us what it is!" Maki yelled.

Shuichi gently placed his hand on my shoulder, silently reassuring me that everything would be ok.

All of a sudden, I heard whispering. It was Mr. Stripes. He was here, and that could only mean that Bo and Hopp were here too.

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