Issue 6: Chaos Soon Come

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"So, you just say 'Tikki, spots on' and...bam?" Spider Man asked as he and Ladybug ate a small snack on a building. "Huh. That's gotta suck if your throat ever hurts."

"As long as I can say it, my powers work." Ladybug said before her eyes softened. ", you have a hero team?"

"The Avengers, yup! We fought an intergalactic tyrant named Thanos together! I mean, I'm a rookie member." Spider Man said. "But yeah- Wait, why?"

Ladybug looked to the side. "...okay, you have to promise not to tell anyone about this."

"What's up...?" Spider Man asked.

Ladybug sighed. "Me and Cat Noir have...been distant lately. And to be perfectly honest, I'm not sure what started this. He brought up one day, that he knew who our allies, Rena Rouge and Carapace, were. They knew each other's identities and were completely he wanted to know mine. I said, we couldn't. He got..."


"No. Just...saddened. Not even angry. He just looked heartbroken." Ladybug sighed. "I don't know what to do. I-I feel like I hurt him...I just wish he could understand what I have to go through. School, being the new Guardian, family, friends, fashion, baking, AND being Ladybug." She looked down. "I-I can't tell him b-because...because...I-I'm scared he'll get hurt..."

Spider Man's eyes softened and he sighed. "I know how you feel..."

Ladybug turned, almost not believing him.

"I've been doing this a few years, and I still don't do things right." Spider Man explained. "I mess up. I trust the wrong people. I'm sometimes not strong enough...and I mess up. Even though I'm not alone, I feel like that one little failure will ruin everything." He looked up into the sky. "I sometimes wish, that I had never gotten bit by that spider."

Ladybug tilted her head a bit.

"Long story short, a radioactive spider bite is what gave me these powers." Spider Man explained. "No magic jewels...but then? I remember why I'm doing this." He closed his white eyes for a moment. "W-When I first got these powers, I used them for personal gain and for money. I was just a nerd that suddenly had superhuman strength! What else would I do?" he then opened his eyes again. "...I was an idiot. I...I let a thug get away with a bag of money...and that same thug robbed and shot my Uncle Ben, who was the only father in my life."

Ladybug's eyes widened in horror for a moment before she scooted closer. "I...I'm so sorry..."

Spider Man nodded. "It's ok. I've done my grieving, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss him...that day, I shoved all kinds of people, cradling my uncle's bleeding body in my arms, watching him die...with the power? I found his killer and I WANTED to murder him, make him suffer like I did...but I knew Uncle Ben wouldn't approve. He always told me that with great power, comes great responsibility. And now? Those words make me who I am." He smiled under his mask. "And from my point of view? You already know that and you carry the burden as well as you can."

Ladybug smiled. "Thank you...but I still wish I could tell Cat Noir..."

"Then tell him." Spider Man suddenly said. "If he's truly that important to you, then make him feel like he is. Right now? He probably thinks you've replaced him or worse-"

Ladybug quickly stood up, the realization coming to her mind. "...oh, god..."

Spider Man stood as well. "Hey, we'll find-" Then? There was a loud CRASH below them. Spider Man and Ladybug looked down before they gasped, seeing a broken car. They quickly swung over before swinging to where most of the chaos was.

Hero to Hero (Spider Man X Miraculous Ladybug)Where stories live. Discover now