Messers Stars and Moony

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Platonic Wolfsmane (Regulus and Remus)

Credit to CrowleysQueenrecords for the banner, they're a great editor, don't listen to them if they say otherwise 😁

PS: My use of the present tense later on in this chapter is completely intentional to put you right in the moment.

CW: Child abuse

(Regulus' second year, morning after the full moon, 05:01)

Remus woke up in the hospital wing with light streaming in his eyes, the smell of magical cleaning products filling his nose. Madam Pomfrey bustled to his side as soon as she saw he was awake and bent over to examine him. "Oh good, you're awake, how are you feeling?" Remus could only let out a groan in response, a product of both the pain he was experiencing and the fact that he only just woke up. Madam Pomfrey tutted and went to get some pain potions for the young werewolf. Remus, in an effort to stay awake so that the school nurse wouldn't worry, cast his gaze around. To his surprise there was a small package already on the side table. From his experience the first time he woke up after a full moon was often far before visiting hours as the pain roused him early.
When nurse came back and he asked her about it, she scowled, clearly still annoyed. "It was an owl, stubborn things. It kept pecking at the window and I was afraid it would wake you and the rest of my patients up, so I let it in. Didn't let it stay long, mind you, just to deliver the package. Animals in my hospital wing, really..." The rest of what she was saying turned to mutterings under her breath as she poured the potions into cups for Remus.
The Gryffindor reached out for the package with feeble hands and a curious mind. Madam Pomfrey, not wanting him to strain himself, through preferring he not reach for it at all, handed it to him with a huff. He tore at the paper enclosing it and revealed a box of chocolate frogs and a book entitled Magical Chocolate Recipes.
There was no note. Only an ink black card with a distinctive speckle of magically glowing white spots. The lion constellation with Regulus at its heart.


(Regulus' second year, 18:34, Astronomy Tower)

Regulus *whispering conspiratorially* : You know what's great about calling each other Moony and Stars?

Remus: What?

Regulus: When we looked up at the night sky we're always reminded of our friendship-you know? Because the moon is always with stars...Forget it, it's stupid.

Remus: No, I like it! You can almost feel it too, our bond.

Regulus: Yeah!


(Regulus' third year, 13:00)

Hey Stars,
Could use a bit of help with a prank, you up for it?

Regulus sighed and looked up from his favorite table at back of the library to The Marauders' table. Under cover of the loud noise and chatter, Remus Lupin was casting quick furtive looks at him, imploring. Regulus sighed again and sent a reply on its way in the form of a bird. Merlin, he loved that spell, he was so happy with how it turned out. He wondered if some of his descendants would ever get to use it.

And I supposed the 'Marauders' will never know that I was the one behind their master plan?

As per usual, I will remain the mastermind of the Marauders. (no quotation marks needed by the way :( )

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