Chapter 11

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-Here's another update!! Also, I'm currently focusing on my other TR story, since I've got a lot of motivations for that book but it doesn't mean I'm not updating this one-
-Anyways, enjoy!-



When Tanjiro looked at Urokodaki, he has already gave the people who died a proper burial. (Y/n) just walked beside him, the food on her hand was quickly sent to her inventory. They can just eat it later.

"Um.." Tanjiro approached the goblin masked man.

"I'm Urokodaki Sakonji." The man introduced himself, before glancing at the two, examining their appearance. "I assume that it's the both of you are the ones that Giyuu spoke of?"

"Y-Yes. I'm Kamado Tanjiro, my sister's name is Nezuko, this is my friend, (L/n) (Y/n), and..."

"Tanjiro, what will you do if your sister or your friend feast on a human?" Urokodaki asked, while (Y/n) beamed.

"If Nezuko were to eat someone, I'd Kill her and slit my own belly." the (h/c)nette quickly answered, earning a short nod from the man. 'It's not like I could die or Nezuko will feast on a Human.'

Before anyone could react, Urokodaki slapped Tanjiro acros the face, surprising the burgundy haired boy.

"You hesitated for too long." The man scolded the burgundy haired male. "You are slow to decide things, you couldn't even finish a demon before daybreak. Why didn't you answer my question without delay? It's because your determination is lacking."

"If your sister or your friend were to eat someone, you would need to do two things. Kill them and slit your own belly. That's is what it means to travel with demons." Urokodaki stated while Tanjiro had a hand over his cheek.

'It's like Nezuko or I would ever feast on a Human....
Maybe.....? That depends if I got really hungry, tho.'

"You must ingrain in your heart that this is something that must not happen. Do not let your sister or your friend take an innocent life, even if your friend have control over her actions. It must not come to pass. Do you understand what I'm saying?" He asked, Tanjiro wore a determined look.

"Yes!" He answered, he would never let his friend and his sister lose their humanity, and if ever they would, he will try to get them back on their senses.

"Well then... I will now proceed to test you to find out if you two have what it takes to be a demon slayer." He stated and glanced at the two. "Bring your sister and come with me."
Both Tanjiro and (Y/n) are on the mountain, to begin the test, which is to descend the mountain to go back to Urokodaki's House. Tanjiro was breathing hardly because of the cold while it really doesn't bother (Y/n).

"Tanji, the whole mountain is full of traps." (Y/n) warned the boy, already spotted every trap around.

"It is?" He asked, making the girl nod with a solemn look.

"Let's be careful." (Y/n) said and took the first step, both of them began their hike through the mountain.

(Y/n) has dodge all the traps like a pro, while Tanjiro would be the one who accidentally step on something to trigger some traps. (Y/n) have to save him from time to time in order not to get too hurt.

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