Chapter 6

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-I didn't sleep well because of this chapter, and why almost all the fanfics I read, Shinichiro always die?-








The trio arrived in school, students from left to right were giving way for the three. They were all scared because of the aura they're releasing screamed authority.

"Guys, If you don't see me around, it's because I'm probably with Emma. So, no need to wait for me after school." The (h/c)nette told the twins, as they walked through the hallways.

"Be safe, (Y/n)." Both brothers reminded her, before the three of them split up, going to their own classrooms.

"(N/n)! Good morning!" The sandy blond girl greeted her when she stepped inside their classroom, instantly making her smile.

"Good morning to you too, Emma." She greeted back, sitting to her assigned seat as the classroom begins to be filled with students.

"How's the preparation for your brother's birthday?" (Y/n) asked the blonde girl who brightened up at the topic.

"It's actually doing good! Shinichiro-nii-san agreed for us to make some Dorayaki for Mikey's birthday. I think everything's going to be perfectlyfine." Emma said, ignoring the fact that her friend haven't officially met Mikey and unaware of an incoming tragedy that'll happen.

"That's cool. Say what, let's hang out after class!" (Y/n) grinned, remembering that they haven't really had a chance to hang out yesterday because of school.

"Sure." Emma agreed, a sudden thought suddenly entering her mind. "Are you still going to ask Shinichiro-nii-san to marry you?"

"Hell, yeah! I won't stop till I manage to make him say 'Yes' to me." (Y/n) stated in determination, pumping her fist in the air, her bestfriend shaking her head slightly in amusement.

"You don't really know how to give up, huh?" Emma muttered, snickering at how funny the looks her friend is getting.

"Of course! I mean, your bro got rejected by a lot of women. Like, are they blind?" (Y/n) slightly fumed at the thought while rolling her eyes, but her expression suddenly turned bright again. "They're so blind, you know. That also means that I have a chance even if it's small."

"True, true. Shinichiro-nii-san do have the looks even if he's a bit weird sometimes, and he's a very kind and caring person." Emma nods in agreement, both of them talking about Shinichiro. "I don't know why he's rejected even if he's that awkward, he's nice."

"Uhuh! That's what I'm talking about, them being blind!"

The two female quiet down when their teacher came in, exactly as the bell rang making the class officially starting.
After class, both females parted from each other, both disappointed that their planned hang out would be cancelled because of a school project that they had to pass the next day.

"We can hang out tomorrow, how's that?" (Y/n) reassured the disappointed blonde who was still frowning.

"I hope the school won't give us another project tomorrow. I'm just wasting my time to learn random information that I'll probably won't use in the future." Emma whined, making an idea popped into the (h/c)nette who grinned.

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