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Under the moonlight a brunette girl stood at the edge of a bridge across a road, her greyish orbs staring at the setting sun in the distance while unconsciously sighing a few times.

Every Friday after school, you'll see the girl sitting on the railings of the bridge while staring at the setting sun. The bridge connects a city from another city, and a lot of people were passing by, yet they chose to ignore her and continued in their ways.

"I wonder....." She softly hums to herself as she look into the distance while murmuring things to herself.

'... If they'll ever look for me....?' She thought, sighing to herself she just sat at the edge of the brideg her feet dangerously dangling as the soft breeze hits her. Her hair and uniform was swaying with the wind.

She looked at the far distance to see the busy streets, people were all frantically going to different directions in order to go home,and there are cars who were honking at each other because of traffic. A very usual sight to see.

"I should go back." She began to stand up but fate wasn't on her side and began to treat her cruelly, as a strong gust of wind hit her making her balance unsteady. She tried to gain her balance not to fall off the bridge down to the water.

"What the—?" She never finished her sentence when her eyes grew as large as saucers, she tried to maintain her balance but failed and ended up falling in the middle of the road.

"F*ck this shit."

That was her last words before she saw a bright light coming to her way as she hugged her school bag for dear life. She wasn't expecting to die soon nor die in a very unexpected way.

'I haven't even watched the Second Season of Demon Slayer and Tokyo Revengers, yet!' She thought, trying to get away from the road.

Yet, there she was, still sprawled on the road as an approaching huge truck coming to her, the driver continuing without noticing her small figure.


“A Girl was hit by a drunken truck driver, her corpse were mangled and a lot of her bones are broken. The police identified the girl as (Y/n) (L/n) an 18 year old girl, Senior Highschool.” A reporter stated, showing the scene where a bloodied (h/c)nette laid while a lot of ambulance and police surrounding the area.


Meanwhile, an 11 year old Tanjiro was going back to his home from the village since he just finished selling coals. He suddenly smelled a foreign Scent on his way and followed the Scent seeing a figure buried deep in the snow.

'A girl..?' He wondered, thinking of how did she ended up there.

Quickly approaching the figure and saw the girl who's about his age, being the kind samaritan he is, he decided to help the girl and considered he just finished selling coals, he easily carried her on his back and began trudging back home.

"Nii-san—?" His siblings greeted him, but when they saw the (h/c) haired girl on his back, they stopped in their sentence.

"Call mother, quick!" He told them, Hanako and Shigeru quickly running to do what he said, while Rokuta and Takeo remained.

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