Chapter 5

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-I'm actually getting excited on what's going to happen in the next chapter, like, I've already started the first part-








When Draken arrived to the Musashi shrine, he saw that everyone was already waiting for him and was bombarded with questions from his friends.

"Where were you?"
"Why are you late?"
"What happened?"
"Did you ditched us?"
Not understanding anything they're saying, Draken raised his hands in surrender.

"I can understand what you all are saying if you keep talking in unison." the blonde boy stated, Causing everyone to shut up. He's still slightly panting because he have to run a very long way, doubling over to catch his breath.

"So, are you gonna answer our questions or not?" Mikey asked with a stern look, towering infront of the boy.

"First of all, I didn't ditch you." Draken reassured them, instantly quieting everyone down. "Second, I was with Emma because they bumped into me. Lastly, they both dragged me with them to buy some ingredients for something."

"Hah! I knew it! You do have a crush on my sister." Mikey squinted his eyes to his friend, who took a step back with an annoyed look, trying to think of a way to explain without being misunderstood while also trying to avoid all the eyes they're giving him.

"Mikey! It's- It's not like that!" The boy blushed furiously because of embarrassment from the wrong accusation, face-palming. "Her bestfriend dragged me with them!"

Everyone froze on their spots in confusion because of the sudden outburst, raising their eyebrows at him.

"Bestfriend?" Kazutora muttered, frowning and thinking about the (h/c)nette girl with Emma that they saw a few days ago.

"You mean (Y/n)? The girl that Emma's talking about almost everyday?" Mikey confirmed, making Draken nod his head.

"What is she like up close?" Baji suddenly slung an arm around his neck, making the tall boy bed down a little.

"She's weird, probably weirder than you." was the only thing that Draken said, remembering how weird the girl can be during their trip when his whole system suddenly stopped working.

The others tried to catch his attention but he just stared in the distance with a confused daze.

"Oi, Draken?! Are you okay?" Baji shook the boy beside him, who snapped from his dazed and confused trance.


"We're asking you how weird the girl is." Kazutora told him, making him frown and began his explanation.

"She kepts talking about suicide like it's normal to her, and she also kepts asking questions that I can't even understand." Draken frowned, as everyone listened close since the girl really perked their interests. "She even tried to jump in the middle of the road and nearly got run over by a truck if it weren't for me."

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